Skin Problem With Molly


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Hi could sum1 plz help. One off my mollies has skin peeling off its back, its abit flakey and i can see its flesh underneath. I recently tested the water and its ok. I had a small rock bridge ornament that broke slighty a while back which caused rough edges. It could be that? Iv put a double dose off stress coat in and am watchin her but thats the limit off what i know. Any other advice or ideas would be great. Thanks. Mike.

Poor thing.

Need to ask you some questions.

How many gallons is the tank please?
What the brand name of the test kit you are using?
Can you please post your test results please?
How many fish and which type.

Remove the ornament from the tank, I would advise throwing it away. Or sand paper the sharp edges till there smooth.

Is there any white cotton wool growing on the peeling skin, Or patches of cotton wool on the fish body?
Does the fish have cotton wool growths running along the fish back, down the sides to form a saddle shape?
Is there a greyish film on the skin, or fins?
Any signs of bleaching beneath the skin?
Has the fish showed any signs of flicking and rubbing, darting?

Is it possible to load a pic of the fish onto the site?
Im not being rude by not replying, im just tryin to find out all the info. Thank you for your reply. Give me 20mins.
OK. That's fine.
My tank at the moment is 60litres it has 2 male angels (3inch), 3 plattys 1 male, 2 female (1 inch), a large female molly (3 1/2 inch) of which has about 25, female, juvinile offspring ranging from 2cm-2inch and finally a male and female brittlenose. 

I know thats alot and but let me explain. The large female molly gave birth on 5 different occassions this year alone.

Iv sold and gave away alot and tried to filter out the males, thus why iv got about 25 juvinile females.

The fish in question, as i said is a female molly about 2 inch (first batch). 

She has no cotton wool growths on her at all. Its just her skin. It reminds off a snake shedding skin but on one side.

I unfortunetly cannot load a pic unless theres a way to do it off an iphone.

My test was done by takin water to my dads mate and owner at the aquatic center. I cannot remember all the test results but he said i had a ph off 6.8, which i know aint the best for mollys, but somethin counter balanced that and he said the water was hard??

Iv just started using stress zyme weekly (on my 3rd week)

And iv took my carbon out whilst using bacteria control. 4th dose since 1st october.

On a final note im gettin a 110 litre tank nxt tuesday which will help stock levels, using the 60 litre for breeding/raising.

The 60litre tank is a rena.
I would ask the LFS if they would take the fry off your hands.

I agree your tank is very overstocked.
Also take a sample of your tank water to the LFS, and ask if they wouldn't mind writing the readings down for you.
Also I would suggest in investing in some liquid test kits of your own.
If you do get the 110 litre tank you then can keep the angel fish. As a pair of angel fish need to be in a least a 20 gallon tank.
I would still rehome the fry.

Gravel vac, water change., Increase aeration.
Add myxazin by waterlife to the tank. To help the fish with the flaky skin.

And iv took my carbon out whilst using bacteria control. 4th dose since 1st october.

Never heard of the medication before.Do you have any information on the medication.

Is this the medication you are using. If so don't add myxazin by waterlife.

We ordered our own test kits but they never arrived

I plan to rehome most off the fry. I did a 30% water change last nite, removed the bad ornament, gravel vac'd etc

Yes, that is the bacteria control i used.

Thank you for your time and help with my problem, i love my fish but am only a begineer and have limited knowledge so thank you.
Iv found a site selling the myxazin stuff. 120ml for £4. Would you advise getting that and using it in the future instead off the bacteria control iv already got (the one in the link)?
Never used the king british med. Only used myxazin by waterlife. Quite effect on mild bacteria infections.
If you do decide to change medications you will have to preform a 50% water change. Than run some new black carbon in our filter for a day.
Also preform a water change before adding the medication,. Remove black carbon from the filter.

How is the fish?
The skin that was flakey has now come off. ( it looks like when a blisters popped and you see the lighter flesh underneath)

But now she is rubbin / flickin against the gravel. On the opposite side to her skin problem. I noticed a small red pimple on her aswell (the side she is rubbing)

I added the required amount off bacteria control 2day as its been 4 days since the last dose. Ill see what she is like over the weekend.

Would you advise against putting her in the new tank when i get it next week?

Thanks again for helping.
Any excess mucas on her body or fins? Grey slime?
Is the fish darting around the tank?
Check her gills to see if there opaque with excess slime, or red and inflamed.
Does the red pimple look flat like a red dot. Does the red pimple look like it's filled with fluid?
Any signs of red streaking on body, or fins.
Also check for these signs.
Tiny white spots.
Yellow golden spots, dusting of velvet.
Blue film on fish.

It's hard to say really without water stats. As flicking and rubbing can also be due to bad water quality. Also medications can make fish flick and rub.

I don't think I would add her to the new tank.

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