Skimmer Not Filling Up Much


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Im confused or maybe being dumb cos thought about it too much. My tank is cycling and ive got a blau NW150 skimmer it apparently does up too 800 litres so very over kill for my tank.

Yet it doesnt seem to removing much out of a week its made the neck thick in brown organics but only weak water in the cup to a depth of less than a 1cm. Ive raised the water level pipe and it seems to do a bit better but obv too uch and it just fills with water

Any ideas why? Here is a pic of it running.


most skimmers don't produce mcuh gunk until there is food added to the tank. Then they go nuts for a bit while they remove the protein waste. Once it is gone they settle down again and only produce a little bit if any.

Raising or lowering the water level will increase or decrease the amount of gunk that is collected in the cup. You want the liquid to be dark brown to black. If it is clear of pale in colour then there is too much water and the skimmer needs to be raised a tiny bit or the water level needs to be lowered a bit.
If you're tank is still cycling thats fine, chances are its not going to pull a entire lot out there probably isnt much in the tank to begin with. Once you start adding food, chemicals, and your fish start going to the bathroom you will notice a increase in the stuff that it pulls out.
theres no bio-load in the tank so theres only die off from the LR in cycle. Wont get too much in the cup as the skimmers several times bigger than the size required
Agreed, a low bioload is probably why the skimmer isn't working very well. Also remember, when you stick your hands in the tank the oils on your skin will temporarily disalbe the skimmer's ability to make really fine bubbles and your rate of skimming will go down for a bit so don't try an diagnose skimmer problems AFTER your hands have been in the tank :)

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