Skimmer No Foam ?


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hi there all,

im running a jebo hob skimmer normal venturi system.

the setup is as follows, water is being sucked into my aquah20 canister filter and the output from the filter goes into my skimmer and then the water is realeased through the skimmers outlet..

its been running for 6 days now and no foam has formed,there a few bubbles thats being made ot the top of the water but thats it, there about 450 litres an hour thats being pumped into the skimmer..

the airation pipe is fully open to make as much bubbles as possible, do i need to attach an airpump to the air intake instaed of the intake just sucking normail air ?

not had much experience with that brand of skimmer but I dont think it needs and air pump,

What I dont understand is why you run water through filter rhen into skimmer?

why not just have skimmer on its own pump? this could be the issue? and In my opinion its probably worth skimming water before filtering it?

I dont run a setup like this I run a sump and 95% of people I have spoke to skim water before it goes into refugium (which is the filter in a sense)

Dont know what anyone else thinks tho?
its like those filters wich has a little nozzle on the outlet pipe where you connect a little pipe then the filter sprays bubble..

works the same where the water goes into the skimmer it has a little air nozzle on the intake with a little pipe that sucks air and create bubbles.. but the skimmer doesnt skim surface..

i dont want an ugly pump and pipe in my tank,maybe i should just build a small sump and get it done with.. and add the skimmer in the sump with its own pump and the clean water runs into an compartment and pumped back into the tank ?
thought so to maybe,

im in the process of bulding a little sump want ur info,

the external filter will suck water in filter it then pump water into the sump chamber then another pump will pump water through the skimmer and the outlet of the skimmer put water into another chamber where that water will be pumped back into the tank..

i dont think i will need filter media in the sump as i am running the external filter with live rock and avtivated carbon, or should i fill the first chamber with bio-balls and activated carbon,
This is a physics problem. Long story short, the air injector designed for use with the powerfilter will not inject air into the skimmer. Fluid dynamics makes it impossible :(.
ok so changed everything, my filter sucks up water filter then release into the tank increasing my flow to about 16x,

ive put in a water pump 1200l/h to run the skimmer on its own,theres a ####eload of water turbulence in the skimmer and the water rises a bit more in the skimmers pipe,so ill leave it for a day or 2 and see what happens..
This is a physics problem. Long story short, the air injector designed for use with the powerfilter will not inject air into the skimmer. Fluid dynamics makes it impossible :(.

thine king has spoken, thy shall bow in allegiance

Yeah anyway that skimmer seems crap.....
its working, pump wasnt strong enough,

it only made foam for 2 days now its clean again

only one prob now i suddenly have nitrite traces in my tank after adding new water wich had none nitrites ? could this be becasue the water was now stirred ?
no, was the water nearly or perfectly identical in pH and salinity and kH to the tank water when you changed the water? What salt mix do you use? The water change could have been incorrect or not left to mix for at least 12 hours.

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