Size of a discus tank

Eel Boy

Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2004
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Hey this might be the wrong place for this but. I was thinking aobut starting just a discus tank, and i was wondering what is the smallest size tank i can get for them, and what Discus should i look at, and even what can i put with discus in the tank. I kind of just need to info about them, and the enviroment that they live in. PLease help
Hiya, maybe try the NW cichlids section.

I have only just got some myself and mine are currently in a 40l tank because the cube meant for them has been taken over by breeding angels. The tank should be pretty big, I have seen adult discus (the parents of mine) and they were huge!

Their tank must be at least 18" high, they like high tempatures and not much movement. They should be kept with peaceful fish who also do not move about, no zippy fish. They like clean water as well, many people do daily water changes. They should be kept in groups of 4+, most would say 6 actually but it depends on how much room you have.

Try for more information.

Hope this helps.
Hi Eel Boy :)

Discus are lovely, but somewhat delicate fish who must have warmer water than many of the other tropical fish. For this reason not all cory cats can live in their tanks.

An exception to this rule is the C. sterbai, which thrive in the same water conditions as discus. Here's a link to some information about them:
so then like a ten gallon tank, or 15. What kind of filter should i use with them, and are plecos okay with them. I was going to make this i really nice tank, with some good fish in it. Would two discus, and a pleco be to much
Eel Boy said:
so then like a ten gallon tank, or 15.  What kind of filter should i use with them, and are plecos okay with them.  I was going to make this i really nice tank, with some good fish in it.  Would two discus, and a pleco be to much

You're joking right? You want much bigger than that, try 40 gallons+! I told you it has to be 18" high, that should give you an idea really, and then think of the shape, they are just as wide as they are high.

Plecs, depending on kind can get as big as 2 feet. I wouldn't even put any kind of plec in a 10gallon (no less that 25 IMO) never mind a plec and 2 discus.
Eel Boy said:
so then like a ten gallon tank, or 15. What kind of filter should i use with them, and are plecos okay with them. I was going to make this i really nice tank, with some good fish in it. Would two discus, and a pleco be to much
please reconsidder....discus in a 10g is not a good idea at all... neither is any plec.

before you take the plunge and get discus please read, read and read up as much as you can...then go and read up some more...

dont even considder before you know what you are letting yourself in for.

dont want to put you off keeping them as they are great fish, but like i say..reaseach first please.
when you sadi 40L i thouht you meant 40 liters which is like 10.1 gallons sorry bout that mix up
okay then shoot for like a 40 or 50 gallon tank
Eel Boy said:
when you sadi 40L i thouht you meant 40 liters which is like 10.1 gallons sorry bout that mix up
okay then shoot for like a 40 or 50 gallon tank
Yes I have by young discus in a 40litre tank but that's only because I found that my angels were unexpectedy spawning in the 225litre cube they were supposed to be in.

They are 2" across (you can see them from the link in my sig) but will be moving back to the 225 once the angel fry can be moved.
o okay thanks for the help
Also is the rumor true that if you buy small plecos they stay small, and if you buy big they grow big. My friend told me that and i think he is just blowing smoke, and he also says that two different type of plecos will fight is this true
The size of the pleco depends on the species, not the size when you buy it! Common plecos get BIG but some of the others stay smaller - I think it's the bristle/bushynose that stays smaller...
gixer said:
before you take the plunge and get discus please read, read and read up as much as you can...then go and read up some more...

dont even considder before you know what you are letting yourself in for.

dont want to put you off keeping them as they are great fish, but like i say..reaseach first please.
I couldn't agree with these statements more! Discus have very specific requirements that need to be met. Tank size and water quality are 2 of the most important things to the Discus.

From what I've read (and read and read :D ), Discus should not be kept in any tank smaller than 40G. Each Discus requires at least 10G... and understocking a Discus tank is crucial! They should also be kept in groups no smaller than 4-5 otherwise the more dominant ones will pick on the weaker one(s).

Definitely keep reading about Discus before you even think about buying them.
personally if I were going to try discus I would do nothing smaller than a 54G but ideally I'd probably start with a 75G.
Sky042 said:
personally if I were going to try discus I would do nothing smaller than a 54G but ideally I'd probably start with a 75G.
Yeah... the bigger, the better. Mine is a 72G tank that will probably be home to Discus. I like extra space and I plan to understock.
If i only want to get two, hopefully a breeding pair. IF 10 gallons to a discus, then i would only need 20-25 gallons yes or no. Kind of confused. And they also dont like currents, but can you still use a power filter if you modify it to give out less current
Fish require a minimum tank size and also specific space for each so 40 gallons could hold theoretically although tough on the bio-filtration 4 discus but a 35 could hold zero discuss, Be carefull discuss are not a fish to rush into they need perfect water parameters often requireing a R/O unit, and water changes every second day depending on your local water it is likely to require a similar investment as to a salt tank

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