I personally won't use anything else. Yes if you uproot a plant you get a bit of a cloud but it only lasts for a few hours until the filters grabbed it all
Me and my big mouth, famous last words and all that. lol
I'm gonna be using some of the existing Tropica with some sphagnum peatmoss and osmocote underneath cheapo Akadama.....ooops I mean expensive but well worth it 'Supercoley1's UltimateSoil' in my next scape.
I'll review the 'UlimateSoil' before I start selling it at a vastly overpriced amount
- dosing easylife range, 3ml phos and nitro 3 times a week + ferro, K and profito 3 times a week
possibly a problem in there somewhere. Do they tell you what ppms of each it is adding etc? How do you know if you need to add more?
algae! which is getting a bit out of hand on some of the plants. I don't know whether the plants are dying and the algae is taking advantage of that or whether the algae is killing the leaves itself.
This is obviously true. Damage doesn't have to be visible!!! It can be internal
something in my drop checker? that gooey stuff.
Its the same film you get on the top when plants are suffering. that surface film.
Yeah, well I know its to do with co2 levels, but when I clean the drop checker out weekly
You wash your DC out? and weekly to boot? I leave it in for 3 weeks, draw out the reagent/solution with the blunt needle syringe. tap water into it with the blunt needle again, shake and then in with new solution/reagent and pop back in. Sometimes never bother with the water step. Just old stuff out, new stuff in. Sometimes not bother 3 wekly. Just whenever I think...oh i'll change that.
There isn't enough space in this one for all the plants I have.
Like I've said before I had some minor staghorn and BBA problems in my previous scpae (Clestial Glade) Even though they were minor it bugged me. The DC was nearly always close to yellow. Finally bought a Koralia and problem disppeared within a week.
I would guess even though you have decent turnover in there your flow needs fiddling with. Those plants have defficiencies. Whether it is due to CO2 or the ferts I cannot say. If it is the ferts then good CO2 is not going to solve it. Ferts and CO2 should not be thought of seperately. They are both nutrients. So if C is abundant then something else isn't. However CO2 is normally the culprit.
Also, not sure whether there is space but would any sort of fish/shrimp help? I have only a few amanos at the moment. They seem to make more mess than they clean up!
Clean up crew are great but like I always say. Thats not correcting the cause!!!! Amano shrimp are the best algae eaters by far. The shrimp people wil take great pride in stressing this. However I say to them:
'But cherry shrimp breed easily. Amano shrimp don't breed in freshwater and 1000 cherries are better than 10 Amanos. lol. However correct the cause not settle for the shrimp dealing with it.
p.s. You need to learn how to uproot plants my friend. I just removed 12 x 2ft long Crypts that had another 9-10 inches of root each. No clouds, water is crystal still