Sinking Catfish Pellets?


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2009
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I bought some sinking pellets for my Cories, after reading in an ad that they might get malnutrition only feeding off of flakes that sink to the bottom. So I dropped 2 or 3 pellets in, and my 3 Cories didn't show any interest; my Angelfish and Betta went and ate it after it sat on the gravel for a few minutes. Now I'm rather skeptical; was this ad accurate or not? Just for further purchases, I am wondering if these catfish need this or not. Thanks. :)
a lot of corys die through starvation and need the catfish pellets / wafers
you are best to feed the bottom food first then drop in the top food then drop some more in for the bottom feeders , they take longer to eat food and need it to be left for about an hour then you can remove excess
a lot of corys die through starvation and need the catfish pellets / wafers
you are best to feed the bottom food first then drop in the top food then drop some more in for the bottom feeders , they take longer to eat food and need it to be left for about an hour then you can remove excess

Ok, thanks for the information. I'll keep this in mind. :)
Hi Inchyally :)

What kind of pellets did you buy? Some are better than others. If it is any kind of shrimp pellets they are probably full of a grain filler that corys won't eat. Hikari sinking wafers are a good basic food for corys. It's also good to feed them live blackworms or frozen bloodworms too.
My sterbai catfish love frozen bloodworm, while my peppered cories much prefer pellet food! Id say a pellet food is a must, i think my peppered would rather starve than eat frozen bloodworm :S
Hi Inchyally :)

What kind of pellets did you buy? Some are better than others. If it is any kind of shrimp pellets they are probably full of a grain filler that corys won't eat. Hikari sinking wafers are a good basic food for corys. It's also good to feed them live blackworms or frozen bloodworms too.

They are called Wardley Shrimp Pellet Formula.... and after looking at the ingredients, it seems that grain is one of the main ones. =\ Thanks for your help!
Hi Inchyally :)

That's exactly the brand I had in mind. I used to use it but some years ago they changed their recipe. Now it's worthless and can even makes a mess at the bottom of the tank.

You can feed them a high quality flake food too. Just take a pinch between your fingers and, with your hand under the surface, give it a flick downward. Your other fish will probably eat some as it's sinking, but some will make it to the bottom for the corys. :D

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