Single Rosy Barb With White Spots On Dorsal And Tail


New Member
Apr 4, 2012
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Hello all,
I setup a new 55G tank about 4 months ago, did a full fish less cycle and introduced live load 8 weeks ago. The tank is well planted and has gas CO2 injection. Details below of stats etc.

The issue I am concerned about is one of my female Rosy Barbs. She seems well enough, eating and has been spawning as well. However, ~4 weeks ago over night there appeared 4 small white spots on her dorsal fin. I had assumed due to the speed of this happening and the fact she was actually spawning at the time that she had sustained an injury in the process of spawning. The original white spots in her dorsal fin are still present today, however, they have subsided somewhat.
Last night when I was feeding I noticed that the same female Barb now also has a number of similar spots on her tail. They do not appear to look like fungus/ich and are not raised from the tail at all.
The fact that she has now got a second instance of this has made me question my original assumption that this was damage sustained during spawning.
Should I be worried? If so any suggestions as to what this could be and any action to take would be greatly accepted.
I’ll attempt to get some pictures uploaded.
Many thanks

Tank size: 55G
pH: 6.8
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 10ppm
kH: 7dbh
gH: 8dbh
tank temp: 24dC

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
White spots, in a line, on dorsal and tail

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
Weekly >25%

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:
6 Rosy Barbs - 3 male and 3 female
5 Black Neon Tetras
15 Neon Tetras
1 Butterfly Plec / Hillstream Loach

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:
Florish + co2 injection

Digital photo (include if possible):
Picture of fish with problem.


  • IMG_7146a.jpg
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Anyone able to offer any assistance or suggestions? The line of spots in the tail has now changed into more of a duel band. Nothing else seems wrong ether.
im having the same trouble with a tiger barb

what happened in your case?
Can you start a new thread please as it gets comfusing with two members posting on the same thread.


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