Theyre also not as active alone. I bought two before, one died, so he was a loner and just lay there most the time. So i bought another 2. One of those died. Now i have two remaining and iv been watching them all morning, theyre playing with each other by following each, swimming against the glass front of the tank back and forth.
If i had the room id buy more, and more peppers. Cory cats rule Planning on getting a bigger tank soon so hopefully i can buy a few more peppers, dont want to risk buying albinos again because i lost two already, both in the first week of getting them. The other two are okay though.
Hi Maxta,
I see your tank set-up and occupants. I would shuffle around and put 2 and 3 peppers you have in 2 tanks together if I were you. Then again, depends on the albino you have you can keep them with peppers or bronze. The albino are most likely either pepper or bronze. There are some albino Sterbai and Panda also out there but less likely.
You would see the difference of happiness when they are kept with 2 or 5 of their own. It might be tough to scoop 2 small fish from the 50G tank but I bet you will be glad you did. I don't know about clown pleco so I don't say. But I think your peppers should be in the same tank. And if tthe albino is strain of bronze, then they should be together also. If the albino is pepper strain, you have to think about the move. Since I think in general, most of the corys would be happiest with many of their kind then happier with many even if some of them is not same kind and not so happy and scared and less confident with small number. There are of course some exception, there are few cory or brochi can be territorial especially male but which is small unusual cory.