Simplex Fry Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Doncaster UK
My simplex pair have been in their tank now for just over a week. The famle barred up as soon as she was in. They had been dancing around and nudging each other. Now the male won't eat and he's hiding all the time. Water is fine and there is no other reason for him to be behaving like this. He is avoiding the female now like a bad rash!

My question is this..

Should he be brooding, do I need to remove the female? Will she eat the fry?
Her instinct is to protect him while he's vulnerable, but I think the females wind up being pesky more than helpful so you should remove her and let him sit. Good luck with the fry, how exciting for you!
Scratch that.....

He ate them. :rolleyes:

I'm hopeful though. They make such a wonderful couple! :wub:

All I seem to be able to spawn at the mo is angels. The one thing I don't want to.... :rolleyes:
:lol: :angry: :lol: Figures!

I've still not had a successful mouthbrooding spawn, they always swallow on me too!

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