Silvertip Tetras

I have a small school of 9 in my 29 gal. You are right - they are a great little fish - very quick to the food in my tank and if the others are not watching they may miss a meal. Mine do not school tightly but they do school. Never seen any agression with them toward one another but they do think that the pristellas should mind there own business. :D
Your pictures are very nice and show the silver tip tetra is worth considering for the community tank!

Awww, thanks Alaska! :wub: :*) Glad to see there are others who have these great little guys. They have survived the night, and are so far, exploring every inch of my tank. I can't stop watching them...I just can't get over those colors. ;)
Thanks Sorrell! ;) I'm thinking of getting a few more of these guys...I'm really loving 'em. :wub:

You know now that look at them, they act like my zebra like them, nove like them, even kinda look like them. Thats kinda cool. :D

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