Silvertip Tetras


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Yeah, yeah, I know I just got the serpaes, but you know how it go into your local lfs and you find something you simply must have? Well, thats how it was with these guys. I got hired today for a job that I've been wanting for a while, and my boyfriend said that to celebrate, he would buy me some new fish friends. ;) So, we went, and I was immediately drawn to these guys...they are simply beautiful...bright yellow with a bold black stripe and little silver tipped fins. They love to school and have set up with my platies and serpaes, making a very colorful school of nine. :) They also love to chase the danios, and can even overtake them! So without furthur are my new babies. :wub:

Sorry about the quality of the batteries are running low on my camera and there was too much light in the room. :/

This shows off their amazing color and the little silvertips on their fins. ;)
So what do ya guys think? I'd never heard of them before today, but I'm totally in love with them. Having the serpaes and the silvertips is making me want to start up a tetra tank. ;)
Yup! My platies and serpaes already school together, and the silvertips have joined them, so I have a very colorful, and rather unusual, school of nine. ;) They also LOVE to chase my danios. It's crazy because they can actually overtake the danios in speed...thats something I never thought I'd see! :hyper:
Mine schooled for about a week until hey were comfortbale. Then they spent a few weeks fighting each other like cats and dogs. Now they stay away from each other except at feeding time.

I find that anytime the water gets over about 77-78 degrees for whatever reason, the fighting explodes all over again.

Never saw any actual damage, but the paler smaller ones (females??) get really really shaken up.
Aww! Thats sweet! Thanks cutechic! ;) :wub: They really are very sweet and very amusing to watch, and I've only had them for a few hours. But the colors are what is really special about them. ;) :nod:

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