Silver Tip Tetra

Hi , i dont mean to put you of them but my dad got 5 of them, and 1 male kept all the tetras and his guppys traped up one end by every time a fish tryed to move towards the middle of the tank he would chase them back .He took them back after a week because the male did not seem to be acting any different ,and bought some cardinal tetras but in like the look of the rummy nosed tetra . :)
We've had silver tipped tetras ever since our tank cycled nearly 4 years ago (we've still got some of the original 'tribe'). We love them. They're nice looking fish especially when they get really bright and shiny to go courting (!) And they're tough as old boots. We did have guppies as well at first and the guppies got their tails nipped, so I would say don't keep silver tipped tetras with long tailed/finned fish, or with fish that like a quiet life as they are very active. Ours are always out and about in the tank, they do chase each other and other fish, especially at food time or if they're males after a female, but I've not come across aggressive behaviour in one fish such as Boff experienced. Our tank is heavily planted and with lots of hiding places so the fish can keep out of each other's way if they want! We also have a pair of Emperor tetras, two SAEs, a golden bristlenose and three yoyo loaches.

Hope this helps :)
Hi. I didn't realise until later that I'd actually got 2 males and a female silver tips from my lfs. the female tends to shoal alot with the neons and harlequins but the 2 males tend to stick together at the front of the tank. they seem to be really good mates and are always together. They are really active as soonas the lights come on and then once off, you hardly see them. They do chase the other tetras about the tank and even try withthe Rams and Silver Sharks but quickly dart the other way, once they get chased back. I wouldn't put them with slower moving fish but they are quite comical to watch. They always seem to be the instigaters for getting the other fish going until everyone is chasing each other around the tank for a mad "half hour".
I got some some silvertips once, and they chased all my fish around the tank (4 rasboras, 4 neons and 4 pygmy corys) and had them hiding. I figured it was because the silvertips were new and let them stay for a week. They were still chasing everyone into hiding so I took them back. Beautiful fish though.

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