Silver-tip Colour


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
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Leicester, England
One of my silver-tips seems to have gone a really nice pinky/red colour, a bit similar to a Serpae?? I must admit my tank maintenance has been spot-on the last 4-6 weeks or so and the diet I am feeding has varied a lot and I think really helps bring out there colours. The only thing can guess is that it is feeling very good about itself at the minute and is expressing itself!!! :hyper:
That's a bit odd, my silver tips are either silver or gold. You're sure it's not some sort of infection, though, right?
Hadn't though of that to be honest? :crazy:

I will keep my eye on it and wait to see if there are any other posts in this thread. I suppose it could be considered gold, I will surf the web and have a look at other silver-tips to see if I can establish it. Thanks for the reply!
Good quality male Silver Tips are very colourful. The "gold" becomes a real coppery orange-red. The reason most people are unfamiliar with it is that there are so many poor quality fish around, and those are kept in less then optimal condition.
Thanks lateral line :hyper:

That has made me feel really good because that is the exact colour that my silver-tip is.

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