Silver dollars/spotted dwarf puffers


Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
Enfield, Middlesex, UK
Hey guys,

As I'm buying another juwel this weekend (a 240 instead of the 180 I got now) and making a marine out of it (juwel 240), I will like to put some more fishes in the tank. It's quite heavily planted. but the thing I was wondering is will when they are fully grown silver dollars and dwarf puffers be compatible with such fishes as;

neon tetras (20)
kulhi loaches (2)
rasboras (5)
black widow tetra (2)
angels (3)
clown loaches (2)
emerald green codryrodas (2)
1 male 2 female bettas

I'm only asking as I always liked both of them, and I find the puffers really really cute guys.

Thanks for any advice as I dont want to buy them and then find some of my fishes fins bitten, or even dead because of it :(.

EDIT: also one quite big red fin shark :blink:
i have no idea about the silvers, but dwarf puffs, while cute little guys, are fin nippers. they willnot do well with some of your tank inhabitants. dwarf puffs do best in a species tank, though some slow moving (read, don't move much at all) fish do well with them (plecs for example), or real fast guys who can get awya. i keep mine in their own tank with bumblebee gobies. others have had luck keeping bristlenose plecs, otos with them. would NOT put them with a betta or angels (your bettas and angels are all doing okay togehter????)
ahh, thanks for that advice!, the LFS said the same thing about the dwarf puffer, that they are good fin nippers. They do have the bick type mouth which looks dangerous :D. I'm mainly asking as I had no experience what so ever on these guys even though i've been doing aquariums for some good years.

Yep the 3 angles and the 3 bettas get all well in the tank. Theres alot of space and hiding spaces around, but even so they do bother each other. Not even the betta flares at them, and the angels just do their thing there B).
drobbins27 are you sure? as I know they get quite big and the tetras aren't too big :huh: :). Mostly asking as I will pass in the LFS some time tomorrow most probably. I also know they are vegetarians but thoes this mean I will have no plants with say 4 Silver dollars?. I put cucumber each weekend and I know they will probably like it.
They may like the cucumber, this is true!! But with 4 Silver Dollars, you're pretty plants will look really trashy in a months time, give or take a couple weeks!!

If you really like having live plants and it means a lot to you then I would pass on the Silver Dollars :sad: But if you could get on okay with fake ones, or if you will be okay bringing in live plant after plant for them to eat then go for it :D

I also highly doubt that the Silvers will do any fin-nipping! But the Angels may nip on them a tad.... :dunno: Should get on okay!
They are fairly skiddish fish too......just keep that in mind!

ahh thanks for the great help guys, I guess not then, mostly becauser I have about 80 quid worths in plants in there lol, about 110 USD :blink: so that's a no no lol. Oh well, I only want the best for my fishes so I better skip the puffers and SD. I will buy more tetras though, I love seem them ina big group :D

Thanks again 8)

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