silver dollar is this normal


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
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About two weeks ago I got a silver dollar fish. :D It has some spots or areas that are more silver than the rest of his body. He seems to be doing fine but I just wanted to check.
I had two bala sharks that died :( one day apart and I can't figure out why they died. I was out of town for three days and they died. My daughter was taking care of the tank while I was gone. She said that the one shark had some redness near his finand then he died...
45 gallons
the red spot was on the bala not the silver dollar. The silve dollar is doing fine. However, I'm worried that something is going on because of the two bala sharks dieing
tttnjfttt said:
Can you please test your water and post your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

everything test normal...except the temp has been going up and down. It's been hot here (90 degrees F) and I've been trying to keep the tank below 82 degrees. I've seen the tank go from 82 at night to 78 in the moring. When it gets up around 82 I turn on a fan to cool it but sometimes it cools more than I would like it to.

Also, how long has this tank been set up for?

the tank has been runing for almost a year. Just when I think I know what I'm doing, something happens and I'm back to figuring it out.

In general, you don't want to turn the temp more than 2 degrese C, which is about 4 degreese F.

EXACTLY what is your test results? I'm sorry if this seems excessive, but I have seen too many people say they are fine, when in reality they aren't (even people who have been around long enough to know better).
Size of tank would be apppreciated, plus water stats, you have a bacteria infection in your tank, you will need to treat it with anti internal bacteria med.

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