Silly Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
South Florida
OK Just curious... anyone know why my neon tetras freak out & seperate from one another when I turn out the tank light at night? They swim happily together all day & as soon as that light goes out they swim in opposite directions and dart all over the place. They do calm down after a few minutes but what is up with that? :blink:
Silly answer...

Perhaps they can't see each other until they get their night-vision?

My fish tend to freak out a little bit when the light goes out. If you have a light over the tank (like in a hood) its best to turn that light out before the room light so that they can have a little time to get used to darkness.
guppymonkey said:
My fish tend to freak out a little bit when the light goes out. If you have a light over the tank (like in a hood) its best to turn that light out before the room light so that they can have a little time to get used to darkness.
Yea that's what I do. Thanks! :)
The transition from light to dark is very sudden, not like natural day and night. It freaks me out when I go from sunlight to dark suddenly - I lose my orientation for a few secs, and most probably it's the same for your fish. I try to turn of their lights while there are still lights on in the room, that way it's not so sudden.
;) Absolutely gadazobe, think of the fish in the wild they don't just suddenly look and all of a sudden it goes from bright day - night. What I do and many other people do is turn on the room lights for around 15-20 (I have 2 light intensive lights and a dimmer so its even better for me) minutes and then turn on/off the aquarium lights ;)
gadazobe said:
The transition from light to dark is very sudden, not like natural day and night. It freaks me out when I go from sunlight to dark suddenly - I lose my orientation for a few secs, and most probably it's the same for your fish. I try to turn of their lights while there are still lights on in the room, that way it's not so sudden.
Well that's what I do so I guess I'm alright.....
I have 2 lights on my 55gal. so I turn off one side then 10 mins later turn the other out, room lights out 10 mins later.. Just like mother nature lol

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