silly ppl

Fish Buddy

Fish Addict
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I just need to tell someone about what is going on to blow off some steam. I'm just annoyed at the ignorance and pig-headedness of some people in this world that think they know something.

The first episode was with my class mates in enterprenureship (business). they are starting up a new business selling floating candles. the proplem is with them wanting to add fish to the bowl to make it look more interesting (the bowl is 2" in diameter and 1 1/2" tall). They came up to me and asked what kind of fish would be suitable to put in it. I hesitated and said it is a little small but if they really wanted to add something to try a betta. Well that wasn't good because they cost too much and they wanted something cheaper. they said "what about a gold fish, I had a goldfish once in a bowl and it lived a year" I replied well goldfish would not be suitable in that size of container because each inch of goldfish needs an least 2 gallons because of lack of oxygen and room to grow. "well than why can a betta survive?" Because they are labrynth fish and can breath from the air and water.
'no, no that was dumb, I'm not going to listen to this girl' I'm sure they thought
"Also," I said, "goldfish's internal organs continue to grow no mater what the size of it's aquarium is but the rest of the body stops causing death because of too much presure inside"
"Well we can do what ever we want, it is our business and you are not apart of it"

At that point I was very frusterated. First they wantned my opinion and now they tell me to get lost. I went to explain the situation to the teacher of how what they are planning to do is crualty to animals-not to tattle just to tell some one- and while I was in the middle of my explanation one girl started yelling at me saying it is none of my business.
Oh My Goodness- I didn't know what to do...

The second thing was at a petstore. They were saying to a customer that it is ok to keep clown loaches singly. I though that they are a schooling fish...?

Anyway sorry for the rambling, I just need support... :)
At least an ivy bowl is 4 inches all around.

Looks like they are about to learn an expensive lesson. First lesson tat I personally know when opening a business is reputation and product quality - they go hand-in-hand no matter what business.

Let me at 'em! :angry:

-- What happens when the hot wax hits the water with the fish in it?
-- What happens if I to return the item because it was 'defective'? (the fish died after purchase because the wax hit the water)
-- How will the betta breathe atmospheric air if the top is blocked off? (I don't want to purchase a product that will only last for a day or so)
-- What happens I see a dead goldfish in the little candle holder and I ask if I can have it for free because it's already 'broken'?
-- What happens if some customer asks you a question about the fish and you give out bull#### answers - only to find out later he is an ichthyologist?
Also floating candles are usually about 1 1/2" in diameter - this doesn't leave much room for oxygen exchange even for a betta.

The volume of this bowl is too small for a betta, even without the candle.

They sound like prize idiots!

Good for you for standing up and being counted.


P.S. Just thought of the ideal fish for their 'project'. What you do is take a carrot, slice it thinly and then cut out a fishie shape! They might be able to handle that, as long as there is an adult around to help with the cutting :p
lol, YES :D I love the carrot idea- they are gr 11s though and would think of me as a bigger idiot if I suggested that... :p
They are just too stupid for me-I won't be talking to them any more :sly:
What a ridiculous idea! I've heard of certain candles putting off hazardous fumes and killing pets, specifically pet birds. Well, that may have been air fresheners, but you get the point! There are far too many issues that could arise by putting a floating candle in a fish tank. :no: There are dyes and fragrances in candles that must be harmful to fish.

The biggest problem I have with their little 'business' project is that they would be, in essence, encouraging people to do the same thing. Marketing is such a drag!
you might also like to point out that if they are going to be selling fish, they will need a pet store licence :(
there are specally made fish safe floating candles but i have only seen them for ponds
don't worry, i don't agree with anything those stupid people say or are trying to do,
i just thought i'd tell you guys something neat
they have no fragrance and are made of completely fish safe materials
they are on an artifitial flame safe flower on an artificial flame safe lily pad which both act to catch the wax
i thought they were kinda neat ;)

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