Silk Plants Or Real?

Silk PLants or Real??

  • Real

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Silk

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definately real plants for me!

never understood people having trouble with them.

i jus plant them and they grow!

only jus found out im meant to take the lead weights off and ive had tanks in the past do fine!
ditto on the lead weights. worst part is, i think one of the lead weghts has been cheap lead and poisened the tank :( co ammonia levels are going weird. thank however it wasthat told me to do a fishless cycle, all its done is set it backk a little(rd most likely, thank you)
I have both fake and real plants.... But I love caring and pruning my real plants.... The fake ones seem a little well boring and they don't grow! I love seeing the plants produce sprouts and shoots... It lets me know I am doing a good job taking care of them.. Also when they grow new bigger larger leaves is very pleasing..... I would give real plants a try..... You might find it as interesting and pleasing as I do!


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