are BGK's aggressive fish in peoples opinions cos from readin this thread people seem to have fish with those traits. I've got one in mysons community tank which is about 7 inches and we've had him a year or two I thiink. He's very placid and just eats crazily when we feed them like a whirlin dervish at the top of the tank
I also had one a few years ago in my discus set up and he seemed to thrive in there till I had to shut down my tanks for a year and my mate got him and arsed his tank up and killed him!!
Great fish though and I love the one we have
I also had one a few years ago in my discus set up and he seemed to thrive in there till I had to shut down my tanks for a year and my mate got him and arsed his tank up and killed him!!
Great fish though and I love the one we have