Silent Killer

are BGK's aggressive fish in peoples opinions cos from readin this thread people seem to have fish with those traits. I've got one in mysons community tank which is about 7 inches and we've had him a year or two I thiink. He's very placid and just eats crazily when we feed them like a whirlin dervish at the top of the tank

I also had one a few years ago in my discus set up and he seemed to thrive in there till I had to shut down my tanks for a year and my mate got him and arsed his tank up and killed him!!

Great fish though and I love the one we have
I don't think they are aggressive, it's just that lots of lfs, like Pets At Home, seem to sell smalls ones as "community" fish, saying they will do fine with neons, guppies and the likes.

Obviously they wont.

And then the complaints start. So no, i dont think they are aggressive. But this is just info i have picked up, I don't have any personal experience. :good:
This thread kinda makes me laugh as alot of people for some unknown reason buy BGKF and I have no idea why do people not know that they get big and why are they always with small community fish????? If you read practicle fish keeping this month the idiot at wharf that is Richard Hardwick recomended someone a BGKF for there Juwel Rio 125 come on the tank is only just 3ft long.
I'm trying to get my BGK out of my 5 yr old sons tank to put in my larger tanks but he ain't having none of it so I'm going to have to kidnap him
Oh, and don't forget, an angelfish can eat a baby guppy faster than you can say "Wow, that was fast."

So would almost any fish, even most community fish, if they could get to them.
I'm trying to get my BGK out of my 5 yr old sons tank to put in my larger tanks but he ain't having none of it so I'm going to have to kidnap him


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