You will be trading in your badge for a special sig banner... Best yet, I think that the banner may also enable you to claim being a winner of multiple comps.  :hey:
Not to mention that the pic for the win may also be able to be part of the banner, and a link to the award thread... Maybe, or maybe not.
Personally, I think the sig is a more appropriate spot, honestly.
It's so...but the replacement will be worthy and actually more visible to people.
JenJ said:
@ RCA - having your TOTM win in your sig may come across to some as braggy.....
Or it may not.

Usually winners get a logo to add under their profile pic, RCA just hasn't been given hers yet. Anyway, what's wrong with braggy! She won the vote!
Thanks JenJ 

It is not "braggy" TT it is fact 
  Why enter a competition and then not be proud that the members liked your entry, 
back.  After all, we work hard to make our aquariums look good, and the folks on here 
to see others set-ups, so hence we join in the fun of entering.
I thought there was already a size limit but maybe it's just a byte limit rather than a physical size limit. When resizing my pics I go for the nearest to 300 pixels across that I can achieve. 
There is already a size limit...I'm contemplating adjusting it to something short, like 100px tall and long like 500px. Something banner-ish.

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