Sigh Guppys Now In My Tank:(


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2012
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Ok can someone tell me if my tank is over stocked the misses put 5 male guppy in my tank I was happy with my stocking but I don't g e the heart to say take them back so may have to buy another tank my stock list is.

Pair of dwarf gourami
7 danio (5 danio fry they wil most likely be going to the pet shop soon)
3 German blue rams 1 male 2 female
4 female platy
5 male guppy ( girl friends favs)
6 otos
6 albino corys

In a juwel 240
I sorry forgot juwel 240 I think it works out at 63 u.s gallons but could be wrong
Unless I'm mistaken you have a 200 litre plus tank. I doubt 5 guppies are going to push you over capacity.

What does ##150### say?


Well sorry about that. There is a useful website where you put in your tank parameters and it gives you your overall stocking levels. Apparently I'm not even allowed to say it's name let alone link to it from this site. As you can see above.

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