
I suppose its now night-time for you.

Right, from the various internet sites I've checked out, to confirm if it was potentially any other fish disease/s, I've found nothing to suggest that it wasn't dropsy. Of course, there is still the possibility I could be wrong......

I agree that some fishes do fight amongst themselves, so it could be that, but from your descriptions, it does sound like dropsy. Your medication also seems to have started the healing process on your fish, because they sound a lot happier than before. So, if your fish were fighting before, I'd still think they would be fighting right now, even with medication....

Good luck, and keep us posted. All the best....
So, if your fish were fighting before, I'd still think they would be fighting right now, even with medication....

Yeh I guess you're right. Just looking at my fish now, the worse one seems a lot livelier(spelling?) than before, and i thought that before it was lively! The one that only had it's scales sticking out seems fine. Do they normally have a quick recovery. I said that my fish had Dropsy to the pet shop lady, and she didn't know what it it possible that it is called something different in Australia? Anyway I'm using this stuff called Multi Cure. It says put more in after 3 days, after that how long do I keep it in for? how do I get rid of the green? Partial water change? is Dropsy one of these? white spot? a fungal disease or a velvet disease? or something else?
sorry i'm kinda swamping you with questions aren't I?
Myself, and our forum buddies are here to help...always.

1) Your spelling is fine.
2) I'm very surprised the L.F.S. lady didn't know what Dropsy is?! I suppose you could educate her, then decide to change your lfs?
3) I think 'Dropsy' is slang. Do you want to know the 'proper' scientific names I had found on the Internet?
4) Carry on with the medication until the symptoms (on the fishes) 'disappear', and then perhaps a little longer (just to be certain). I'm sure this wouldn't hurt the fish/es.
5) I definitely recommend treating any utensils you may have used on your pond/tank also with the medication.
6) I recommend you to test the water more regularly, and always check for signs of fish health, aggression, agitation, and strange behaviours.
7) I recommend regular water changes, and if its possible, have a major clean-out every once in a while.
8) Dropsy is one disease fishes can get. However, diseases have been known to compliment each other. In other words, one disease can weaken your fishs' immunity, the next will make it ill, and the next can kill.

Luckily, touch wood, I've had no fish deaths yet from disease. I'm a pretty new starter to this hobby, but, in my defense, am a very quick learner. Though, I do wish my Kribs were less aggressive (if only!).

Please keep asking those questions. We all learn from our mistakes, and never've got what it takes to succeed!
thanks a heap. About doin it a little said do not over dose, so yeah.....
Personally, I'd prefer not using any type of medication at all. However, sometimes, it cannot be helped.

The box says do not over-dose. I think this means don't use too much in any one go. This does not mean you can't use for any length of time.

I think the point is this. If the fish looks like they've 'recovered', how do we know if the disease is really gone from them? I don't think a few additional days/a week would 'hurt' the fish/es, but its up to you......

Good luck, shmeepie :)
Good news! Things are definatly looking up! :D the fish is definatly looking a lot less bloated! will his scales ever grow back?

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