fish keeper sharks and mollies said:
The P H dropped again for no reason
:blink: :huh: :blink:

May I ask why you are so adamant to dismiss the reason that was given???
Since I don't see any readings, I assume u didn't buy the GH/KH kit.
While it's true these readings need not concern most hobbyists, pH crash is certainly one exception.
The pH readings above...are those after a water change?

Could you describe the 'fin rot'? IMO, the trouble w/ ur fish could be due to the pH prob. The fluctuations can't be good for the fish. :no: :/ and I still think it's the place to start...
Wow, thatt's gotta suck, all your tanks at the same time :/ ...didn't you have a post a little while back about getting a warning on changes to your water supply? Could that be the root cause? :huh:

Hope things clear up for ya.

I am not dismissing a **** thing why do some people have to be a **** smart *** and as for the ph crashing I am not a dumb *** I think i have been keeping fish longer enough to know when ph crashs its not good, I got most of fin rot well since I caught it earlier enougn. So when anyone wants to be a smart *** towards me my email is you can email me and we will take it from there.

Please keep your posts confined to the subject at hand. This type of language will not be tolerated!!!
yep thats my samatrah (sam-mah-TRAH) it is thai for "peak of excellence". he is such a pretty boy, always looking at his own reflection in the tank. how are your fish doing?
mine is just like yours his fins are real long he cant hardly swim they are so long. They are all well except for the angels they are taking a little longer the baby one has something more wrong with it she is staying at the bottom all the time. to tell you the truth I am getting a little tired of trying to keep them all healthly it is a full time job I have had a sick free tank for over two months and it has hit me all at once it makes me sick to worry all the time with them I am thinking about taking them all back to the store and getting out of fish keeping for good. When somebody finally does find someone to help them out they always run into a smart *** I guess they are one in ever crowd that is to be expected.I have spent a small fortune on these fish buying stuff that they need I just spent another 50 bucks buying that kit gh and kh testing and medicine I just cant afford to keep spending money on them all the time. When someone tells me to buy something I go straight and buy it,and I wont be talked to like I am five years old or something if somebody is going to be a smart *** I would just as soon not for them to answer me at all.
ok i got the reading this is out of my tap water the gh is 140 and the kh is 90 so is that good or bad and would that be what is causing me so much trouble if it is somebody tell me what to do in this case if it is bad
Sry I upset you.

The readings are low, they say ya need at least 4-5deg KH (urs is about 5) to maintain stable pH.
So I can't say for sure, but still I think could be why urs is crashing. What does your tank water measure?

I do have some other q.'s I could ask, or if u feel like reading up on it, I could post ya a link.
Other than that, guess that's it from me....
reg2k2 said:
fish keeper sharks and mollies said:
The P H dropped again for no reason
:blink: :huh: :blink:

May I ask why you are so adamant to dismiss the reason that was given???
Since I don't see any readings, I assume u didn't buy the GH/KH kit.
While it's true these readings need not concern most hobbyists, pH crash is certainly one exception.
The pH readings above...are those after a water change?

Could you describe the 'fin rot'? IMO, the trouble w/ ur fish could be due to the pH prob. The fluctuations can't be good for the fish. :no: :/ and I still think it's the place to start...
untill i asked about a week ago i didnt know what gh and kh meant
gh = general hardness
kh = carbon hardnes (doesnt carbon start with a c?)
anyways i thaught that hardness was linked to the waters acidity directly in that it meant the same thing the harder the water the more acidic... is there a site i can work out whats going on with this? ive never measured ither of thease but am considering a kit that had ways of measuring thease components. tho ive only ever measured the water if i noticed a problem.
Yeah, I'd never looked into it either 'til I came to the board w/ a pH of 6.0. :eek:
Oh, and it's the other way around.....the harder the water, the higher the pH tends to be.;)

Here's a page I've referred to often...

Water Chemistry

I sh. prob. add this: As long as the pH is roughly near what the fish prefers, and they seem happy & healthy, there's prob. no need to change anything.

...think the 'k' is German.
i am sorry to lash out at you reg2k2 i was having a real bad day my sister n law my favorite one passed away and my fish were sick I get really upset when they get sick I just wanted to say I'M sorry and thanks for the help you give me I am really greatful I hope you will forgive me.
:) Forgiven. Sry for your loss. :(

...and sry if I came off too strong...I know what it's like to be nuts w/ a sick fish and not know what to do. :S :( :/
FKSM, this is gonna sound really, really strange, but I'm building off somehting adey told me about oh, 8 months ago when I was going through hell. I didn't have pH problems ... mine has never fluctuated, and never had fungus or anyhting (until 2 days ago :/ ). But you are probably at least mildly familiar with my ick/velvet/parasite hell.

Anyway, adey managed to check out our local water supply for a variety of parameters ,none of which were alarming.

Except ... here in Chicago the phosphates are through the roof. One store tried to sell me ona $35 gizmo you float in the tank to suck them out I guess. I figure not in a 29G, but if GL ever gets his butt in gear and moves finally, I may want one of his biggies and then we may have to look into that.

Anyway, somewhere in the back of my mind I recall something about high phosphates and pH.

What I'm wondering if your water supply is surging/dropping on phosphates.

Of course, I'm assuming you use tap water like most of us, so that would be moot if you buy water or otherwise filter (though if you filter, I wonder what you are using, etc...)

Just a thought.

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