Sick, Pregnant Or Scared ? *** Added New Pics


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2011
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I'm new to fish so please bare with me if this is obvious ....

We had four fish (dalmation, mickey mouse and 2 platys) plus the 17 babies (3-4wk old) my daughter begged me to save.
Last week we lost the dalmation. Which probably adds to my fear now that something is wrong.

Since the dalmation died I think the two that are side by side are bullying this other fish. It's taken to hiding now in the plants. Actually the one and only plastic plant I have ...
I just checked on them again, and the bright orange with black tail was leaning against the same plastic plant. I turned on the light (which they all hate), and it took off and swam towards the filter. But was slightly leaning ...

Are they sick, pregnant, scared ???!!!!
Help ?!

Edit .......
removed these pics and added new to post below
Full water parameter readings (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, KH, GH, temperature)? Setup information (dimensions of tank, age, which fish were added when, past problems)? Did you cycle the filter with household ammonia?

Are two of your platys male and one female?
Could they be two males chasing a female? I can't see the fish well enough in those pics to see the sexes. Male livebearers are very persistant.
I have to pick up a kit to test everything ...
ph level is around 7.6 ???

tank size 15g
use the water treater
set up late July 2011
all fish added at same time

past problems - those whiteish worm things in gravel

I know when I bought the fish they said, 2 female, 2 male.
So possibly the dalmation was a female ...
in which case you need to get more females, or rehome your current female and get solely males. I was warned by my LFS (this is a nice lfs not a crappy one) that with my guppies, I had to have 2 -3 females to every 1 male, otherwise they'd harrass her to death.

you need to search online for a how to sex your fish guide (there is one in the livebearer forum if I remember rightly), and then you will probably find your problem if there are 2 males and only 1 female
tank size 15g
…and dimensions?

set up late July 2011
Did you fish-less cycle with household ammonia? Were your fish ever exposed to ammonia as far as you know?

past problems - those whiteish worm things in gravel

I know when I bought the fish they said, 2 female, 2 male.
The photos look like you have two males and a female. As the person said above, it is possible for males to harass females to death if you have only a small group of the fish and the sex ration is lower than 2 females per male. As you keep livebearers, it is your responsibility to know how to sex them and to know what ratios they should be kept in.

Since the fish in the first photo is possibly a male, while the fish in the second photo are a male and female, your current problems are unlikely to be related to breeding. What is the set-up like?
Sexing your fish is easy if you take a few moments to observe them in detail. As willowstwin said we have a sex determination thread posted here.

It would be best if the remaining platies were 2 females and one male since small numbers of common livebearers do better with a surplus of females. A 15 gallon is plenty of tank for 3 platies but a single plastic plant does not provide much shelter for a female that is being chased by 2 males. My first guess would be water quality, as Kittykat was originally hinting but male/female ratio could also be an issue. By now, your tank will have cycled whether you did it intentionally or not. The only quick way to undo a cycle and make fish care harder would be to throw away your used filter media.
Off to pick up the testing kit and another female.

I just changed the filter last week
Here are some links to full size photo's.
I'm thinking Mickey mouse (male), bright orange platy (female) and the other orange platy with black spots on top (male)
Am I right????
Also a pic of tank

fish tank

mickey mouse

bright orange platy & mickey mouse

platy being chased

Hopefully those are easier to see.
Thank You again for all your help!
Here are some links to full size photo's.
I'm thinking Mickey mouse (male), bright orange platy (female) and the other orange platy with black spots on top (male)
Am I right????
Also a pic of tank

fish tank

mickey mouse

bright orange platy & mickey mouse

platy being chased

Hopefully those are easier to see.
Thank You again for all your help!

First is male the other two are female. You're going to be getting alot of fry especially if you went and got another female i like to keep mine one male to tree females that way everyone gets some peace :rolleyes: . it is fun to watch them grow and colour up though :good:
+1 first is male, the other two are female.
ok so what do I need to buy?
Another male ?

Going in tonight to the pet store
You want mainly 1 male, 2-3 females. I seem to have found that it works best with only 1-2 males with a larger group of females, if you must have a coed tank. I have 2 males, 8 females (lost some fish recently in a nitrite spike :() and the males get some "piece," and the ladies get some "peace" and the tank is harmonious :)
technically you don't need to get any more fish, but if you would like another to replace the one you lost, then get another female not a male... but be prepared for babies! :p
ok so what do I need to buy?
Another male ?
No offence, but how many times have we already said in this tread "at least two females per male"? And if you have one male and two females…

I recommend that don't get any more females, but concentrate on adding live plants to make the fish feel more secure.

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