Sick platy

From the images from Yorkshire Water, your hardness is 49.4 mg/l calcium. This is not one of the units used in fish keeping but it converts to:
7 dH and 123 ppm. This is soft water as far as fish keeping is concerned (even though Yorkshire Water say 'slightly hard' - this is why we always ask for numbers rather than words).

This is too soft for livebearers like platies but perfect for neon tetras.

It won't have directly caused the problem with your platy, but soft water will weaken platies making them more susceptible to illness.
Thanks for the replies I will do it now. Does anyone have any ideas on what has caused the sickness was it the ammonia levels? All the other fish look healthy and are behaving normally. In the last couple of months the females have been giving birth repeatedly could this have contributed? I'm just looking for some ideas so I can avoid the best I can in the future. From now on I will do 50 percent water changes every week rather than the 25 I have been doing and cut down feeding to every other day to try and keep the ammonia under control is there anything else that I should be doing or adding? Thanks again for your help
Also I don't have and clove oil in and its too late to get some tonight I have seen that people have used baking soda is this ok to use? I don't want to cause her any more pain than I already have.
Your water is too soft for any livebearers and it will weaken them and make them more prone to being sick. I has been mentioned here before.

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