Sick Platy!


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hopefully someone can help before its too late..

I have 3 platys in my tank. Female mickey mouse platys. They're all about 3-4 months old. On and off ive been having troubles with some white spots appearing on their body- ive treated with antibacterial, anti fungal and ich remedies.. nothing works.. they come and go.. the fish have always seemed fine though.

Lately the spots flared up again. Actually, about a week ago they went away- but im not sure if they're related to the issue im having now.

The smallest female (she's the runt- pretty cute!) has turned pale, and gotten thinner. In the past 2 days ive done 4 feedings- she hasn't eaten a single flake or pellet! She sulks around the tank. Although she's usually picked on a little, the amount that the other platys pick on her has increased. A week ago one of them bit a small chunk of her tail off.

Anyways- any ideas why she isnt eating?! Id really like to save this platy, its my favorite one of the tank..

None of the other fish seem to displaying health problems.

Any help is appreciated. Im scared because usually in my experience when fish do this its too late- but this one seems to have some fight in her..
First of all, what are your water stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH). You said she is getting very thin and not eating, have there been any other symptoms? Specifically, does her spine look like it is getting bent at all? Have there been any other symptoms?
The bent spine is one of the symptoms of ammonia poisening, correct?
Doh. I don't know if you looked at my thread about my sick Platy. Her spine looked pretty bad, it still looks a little crooked but she seems much better. It's not nearly what it was. I'm hoping my little girls not infectious. The water changes wouldn't really help her if it was TB, and you didn't make it sound like recovery happens, so I'm guessing she doesn't have it. At least I hope...
No- her spine is not curved.

No direct water stats but I do weekly changes, and as stated all the others are in decent health.

She didnt eat this morning, either.. looking thinner.
The big two diseases that have a symptom of the fish getting very thin is fish TB and internal parasites. Since the fish has no other symptoms besides gettign very thin, I would guess internal parasites. With TB you usually see a bent spine, signs of a bacterial infection, missing scales, ect. However, it is unusual that the fish ahs totally stopped eating. That usually only happens in the very advanced stages of internal parasites.

Internal parasites are usually treated with Levimasole Hydrochloride, and it is sold at feed stores/farm stores. There is some good information in a pinned topic on another forum, so i will send you that in a PM.
Was she born with a spine deformity, also has she lost weight through not eating.
Was she born with a spine deformity, also has she lost weight through not eating.

My girls spine was fine when I got her. I thought the weight loss was from not eating, there were a few days there where she was definitely not interested in food at all. She really seems to be getting better every day, although her spine is still a little hunched. I'll try and get a picture of her tonight and post it. I certainly don't want her to infect my whole tank, but she really does seem much better.
Okay guys its been a few days and she STILL isnt eating, but she's still alive. Sulking more now, doesnt really move off the gravel unless she's chased.

Another member suggested a parasite. Her poop is white now. Could this be the cause? I have a medication that says it can be used to "treat ich and other parasites". Ill try that, if white poop indicates a parasite.

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