Sick (or pregnant?) Juvy Cichlids


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
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Atascadero, CAlifornia
I have a tank with two juvenile Golden Chchlids in it. They used to both be equally active, but lately, one of them has been actng oddly. At first it would chill behind the filter intake tube, and now it rests in a plastic plant in the tank all day. I can't see any abnormalities, and if I disturb the fish, it will swim, and it seems to swim ok. The other fish is still acting normal. What's the deal, is this fish slowly withering away, or is it pregnant?
Well it's hard to answer questions like this without more detail. Firstly...uhhm,what kind of cichlids? Golden doesn't help much. But they don't get pregnant....some lay eggs and others are mouthbrooders. Perhaps it's being picked on?
I think that their actually called "Golden" cichlids. Scientific name is Melanochromis Auratus. I hae never seen any aggression to it from the other fish. The water parameters are all in check and the others are as normal as ever. This one seems perfectly stable and still very adept at swimming, just prefers not to. Does this help at all?

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