Sick Molly

Look up symptoms for Columnaris. I was watching KG Aquatics top 10 fish illnesses and this was one of the common diseases. The illness has similar white patches your female molly currently has. I don't know much about the symptoms and treatments for Columnaris. Couldn't hurt to research it. Good luck!


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Columnaris (aka mouth fungus) is a nasty flesh eating bacteria that normally kills infected fish within a couple of days of showing symptoms. The most common symptom is a white mouth, which rapidly spreads over the face and head. The fish are usually dead within 24-48 hours of showing the white mouth.

Fish can also get a flesh eating bacterial infection on their body and this spreads through the muscle tissue and kills the fish within a couple of days. This type of infection is uncommon on mollies but the mouth infection can occur on them, especially if they are newly imported from Asia.

To treat true Columnaris infections, you need anti-biotics.

The molly in question does not in my opinion have Columnaris.
Hi everyone. I have followed the advise you have given me, however today I have noticed that she has a small pin hole in her Dorsal fin! I can't understand what is happening to her now, any advise please?
It could either be one a tear (from handling/netting) or two the beginning of fin rot. Keep a close eye on it today if symptoms worsen then meds are needed because fin rot is fatal if left untreated.
*Post a pic of the dorsal fin
I will try to take a photo, is the fin rot associated with the mucous build up? Or is it just because her immune system is impaired?
Better to wait on a "seasoned fish keeper" to answer this question. I've read in past threads Colin is very knowledgeable with fish disease/illnesses. Wait on his response or message him
I will try to take a photo, is the fin rot associated with the mucous build up? Or is it just because her immune system is impaired?
Excess mucous and fin rot is normally caused by a water quality issue. Poor water quality will weaken a fish's immune system and allow other disease organisms to infect the fish.

The best way to help boost a fish's immune system is to give them a clean tank with clean water and a clean filter and gravel. Make sure the water has the corre3ct temperature, pH and GH for the species. Feed them a varied diet.
I am testing the parameters of the water and everything is correct. The tank is kept cleaned regularly.

There is a slight problem with the temperature, I live in a country where the current temp is 40degrees. Which I have noticed the temperature of my tank is slightly higher than usual.
You can see the hole on her fin, nothing has changed since yesterday


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It just looks like a hole in the dorsal fin. It might have been caught on something or it could be an infection, but it doesn't look inflamed or red. Monitor it for a few days and see how it goes. Salt should help it either way.
Yes it doesn't seem to have any other symptoms, or getting worse at the moment. Thankyou for your help

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