Sick Mollies

Good Luck.
Let me know how you get on.
If any changes get back to the board.
To be honest i'm not 100% sure it is flukes as there not showing all the symtoms.
But there are signs of parasites shown.
Ruled out other factors.

Keep a look out for when the fish go to the toilet as that can tell you quite alot.
ya I kept an eye out for that they seem to be normal stool. nothing stringy or white. I'm going to treat with the parasite guard and see how that go's. I really appricate your help. My fish are my pets and part of my family. I will try anything to help them.
Best of luck.
good News, I didn't loose any more fish and all are very healthy and swimming and eating. The pleco has his color back as well.. the parasite guard worked. :) I did have one of the mollies abort but antoher had some fry. All the fry are healthy too.
That's good news.
When do you have to retreat.
That's good news.
When do you have to retreat.
Once three days after first treatment and after a water change. They are all looking great now.

Thanks for the help.. I was giving up on treating them as it was hard to nail what to treat with.

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