Sick Mollie


New Member
May 11, 2003
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Last night I noticed a white spot on the top of my black balloon mollie. It was just one spot, and kinda cottony looking. I saw that in a previous post someone said it could be a fungus? Anyway, today he was laying at the bottom of the tank, barely moving. I took him out and put him into another container, but I don't know what to do with the poor guy :( I'm not sure what is wrong with him, or what I can do to treat him, or if it is too late for him? The other fish in the tank are active and appear to be fine (1 balloon mollie, 3 platys, 4 zebra danios). It's a 26 gallon tank and all of my water levels are perfect. Should I do anything to the tank to prevent the others from getting whatever this is or should I just observe for the next couple days? Please Help!!!!
P.S. The platys are new to the tank...just added last weekend. I was so careful to cycle the tank and then add fish slowly.
Hello, i'm by no means an expert, but i've found loads of info on fish diseases on google, with pics which may help you find the problem. Also, i went to a fish store, and there were loads of diffrerent treatments for various problems, fungus, parasites etc. Heard that adding a little aquarium salt sometimes helps, but i'd wait for someone who really knows what they are talking about.

Sorry that i'm not very helpful & if you already know all this.

UPDATE: Okay, I finally talked to someone at my lfs and he said it looked like a fungus. The mollie was too far gone to save, so he euthanized it for me. The poor thing got to where he couldn't really swim or breathe properly. He had what looked like a white film over most of him. Anyway the guy told me to treat the tank even though none of the other fish were showing symptoms. What do you think of that? He gave me some Rid Ich + that supposidly treats ich and fungal diseases. Since the fish don't have any symptoms I'm gonna hold of treatment until I get some feedback. Thanks in advance!
well if its fungus then it might not spread if it where ich then i would panic. its up to you i personally would start doing water changes and keep a close eye on the tank. make shure the filter is nice and clean and running smoothly. if i saw one of the fish had fungus i would put said fish in a salt bath for half an hour. alltho if you have the treament then perhaps use that it should do no harm to the fish and it will ensure there is no fungal spores in the tank if treatment is used for the durations sugesd on the pack. i have only had fungus once and it was on a goldfish i think it may have been to over feeding so cut back on feeding and only feed once a day for a few weeks. make shure the food is all gone withing 5 minuets of the first bit hitting the substrate. apart from that i cant think what else to do. hth

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