sick, lifeless fish, floating on side- help!


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
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Hi there, a few days ago, we noticed that our little betta (year old) is floating at the top of the tank, barely swimming. He will swim to eat food, but that's it. There have been several moments where he's on his side, and it looks like he's having difficulty swimming. His fins look a little lifeless, but his coloring is okay. Any advice you could give is GREATLY appreciated. I don't want to lose this little guy! Thanks in advance :sad:
Hi shamrockcb and welcolm to the forum :hi:

It would help if you let members know what the ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, PH and GH are in the tank at the moment.

I can suggest if you have a spare hospital tank then it might be wise to put the little fella in there. One possible problem might be swimbladder disease. Have you got enough water movement in the tank?
Well I hope I don't get scolded, but I'm a novice. I haven't tested the water for: ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, PH and GH, could you provide some advice on how to do so?

Regarding movement of the water, its a small one gallon tank with a filter so I think it should be rotating okay. Thanks again for your help!
I suggest you go out and buy a master test kit which you will get from your LFS. The one I use is API and it has all but the nitrate included. It will tell you in the instructions exactly how to perform the tests.

How long has your tank been set up?
shamrockcb said:
He will swim to eat food, but that's it.
When he goes for food, does he swim well?

Maybe he is just tired? I heard that Bettas like to rest a lot, sometimes even out of the water.

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