Sick Guppy


New Member
Mar 27, 2013
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Hi gang,
Some context: Was given a male guppy and he seemed rather sickly yet still lively - death seemed inevitable, but I still gave him a chance. He didn't exhibit the dark mass (below) initially, or maybe it was present but not visible.
He has this dark mass on his tail that grows slowly. As a result the scales in this region have also begun to protrude. He also has a white spot on his dorsal fin so could perhaps be ich but can't explain the symptoms on his tail. Dropsy would persist throughout the body if it were the case?
The tank is cycled, frequent/weekly water changes. Levels are fine.
According to this website:
It may be 'Guppy Disease'? I googled it but the pictures do not exactly resemble what is happening on my guppy's tail. I've attached photos but they're not clear so will take some more in the morning.
The LFS recommended methylene blue and have been bathing him in it for ~30 mins daily, but alas, to no success.
I've grown somewhat attached to him. What do you guys think it is?

Much appreciated,
It's always difficult to properly diagnose 'lumps' in fish, but I would guess it's either a tumour, which would be untreatable, or a bacterial infection, which might clear up with a course of anti internal bacteria medicine; I recommend Myxazin, if you're in the UK.
It's certainly not ich (which looks like grains of salt have been sprinkled over the fish) or dropsy (which, as you rightly surmise, would affect the whole of the fish's abdominal area).
Flutter, do you recommend she separate this fish until she knows what is going on with it? I fear that it could infect the rest of the fish....
Thanks for the advice.
There are 2 neons and a small guppy in this tank. I don't have another cycled tank to quarantine it; would it be okay to bring some filter material over to a new tank or is it not sufficient, and hence better to leave it in this tank? I am afraid it is a tumour as none of the other inhabitants are infected.

Nevertheless, here are some better photos:,O66hQso,iYrldqn,uPCS0sv,C7IRX7V,5OaDiDa,KlDNV3N#0
Have bought myxazin though in case it is in fact treatable.
Personally I would set up a quarantine tank for the little guy. Once the other fish realize he is weak they will start picking on him. As long as he is behaving normally and eating then you can let him be.... but once he starts displaying problems with the tumor it would be best to euthanize him. 
Have you dosed the tank with myxazin? 
No I haven't; I bought it online. The inhabitants are actually fond of each other but when I sense otherwise, I'd probably have to euthanize him. 
I knew his death would involve some sort of serious disease judging by his appearance the day I received him...

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