sick guppy

K, I'm not touching anything cuz I think I screwed things up. Yesterday I just had a guppy w fungus and everyone else was happy. I may have over reacted:( So first I changed water then added ich med. Snail almost died so took him out and he has recovered. The I went and got some salt as someone told me opinions with coreys differ. I added the prescribed amount for 10 gal(2 tabl spoons) and corey looked like were dying. So then I did a 30% water change and added a little new ich med(1/4 tsp) Late last night, coreys not doing good, off ballance, tipping over. So I thought, well, gotta get rid of more salt, so did another 40% change and another 1/4 tsp of ich med. This would put me a little over 1 tsp of salt(little more) after changes and 1 tsp of ich med but coreys were fine this morning. All the guppys looked good except the fem I was originally treating(looks a little better today but didn't feed) and one male. He is staying by the top of the water and not playing. I thought I'd wake up to dead fish today after yesterdays drama unfolded. Last night they were all huddled in corner at very top by heater till I turned off the light and all went and laid on bottom like normal, except the sick female. So, I have 2 concerns. All the other fish seemed to aclimate except the one male. What's up with him? Will he be ok? Secondly, Is there anything else I should do for the fungus? Water temp is at 83, amonia is at .1 and the ph is just off the chart that goes to 7.25. I would estimate about 7.5. I have 2 coreys, 8 guppys, and 15fry. 10gal tank with healthy live plants, 10inch aireator stone, cartridge filter, and a whisper 10 power filter. I have taken out all carbon and filled with filter fiber material. What should I do? The med seems to stress, and salt kills coreys. Right now, my fish aren't too happy but I guess medicine never tastes good. They have salt, med, and heat. Anything else for fungus? Should I slip a day before I treat them again? Should I change more water? Help!!!
Please break that post into paragraphs. Also, add your tanks and fish to your sig so we can figure out what's going on.

What do they have? You said you were treating with ich medicine but you didn't say anything about fungus. For fungus I would say melafix is your best bet.

Never, ever add salt to a tank with cories, but I think you know that now. There's a pinned article on it in the catfish section.

Once the ich is gone, if you have it, lower the temperature and continue partial water changes to lower stress.

You have too many fish and are overstocked. The ammonia should be at 0, as should nitrites. pH should be somewhat acidic, IMO, so try lowering it if you can.
Lotta people use salt with cats, but just less. Many people recomend 1/4 tsp per gallon and say corey's thrive in it, then others swear against it. My personal opinion is developing but so far my coreys are as happy as ever with that little amount and if that prevents disease, I'm in. The temp is at 83. I'm medicating with rid-ich, but it's supposed to cover ich, fungus, and protozoan. amonia is barley over neutral but my water here is high ph. How do you drop ph? PH is 7.25. Is salt bad for snails?

8 guppies
12 fry(they keep disapearin)
2 albino coreys
and my snail is in a jar with hornwart and lettuce while medicating

Whisper 10 filter
catridge pump driven filter
10inch air stone
Healthy live plants

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