Sick goldfish :(

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You're entitled to your own beliefs too, but it is also arrogant to believe that stuff won't happen after so long in the hobby. Anything can go wrong unpredictably. You cannot tell when your water company is going to flush your pipes and change your parameters. You cannot tell if a tank is going to burst open and now you are forced to carefully acclimate fish into new water in an emergency.

Chances of these happening are slim, but if you'd like to rely on a petstore worker to tell you "your water is fine" then have at it. Having a *reliable* store is a luxury, not a privilege to everyone. Most places deal with stores that tell them their uncycled water is fine to add fish to because there's 0s across the board. I'd steer very clear of that.

This does not make my experience and many other people's experiences "wrong". In fact it's rude of you to flat out dismiss it as wrong.
also arrogant to believe that stuff won't happen after so long in the hobby.

Did I say stuff doesn't happen? I said anything suddenly happening is going to have obvious signs that will tell you to get the test done. I sell goldfish to people with super soft acid water as well as those with liquid rock coming out the tap and everywhere in between. If you're doing regular partial water changes as normal people do, whatever happens, you have enough water in your tank to dilute the results so the changes aren't going to be extreme and unless you have some plans to waste even more money trying to now run around chasing bottled water for a goldfish tank, they will easily adapt to it. Things can happen suddenly but in a closed system it's NOT likely without obvious signs being present and some tanks are pretty much bulletproof like goldfish.

It's wrong and as I said it's a waste to immediately tell people to start tossing money at things that can be accomplished in other ways. People work hard for their money usually and don't need it wasted, especially when whatever magic fixer you're going to need is already at the place you're going for the free or inexpensive testing anyway!!! That chunk of money on an AP Master Test Kit may be the difference between a bill getting paid or not. There are alternatives that don't require wasting money on a one time wild goose chase.

Now if you're rich, then you should probably already be consulting a professional/vet. The internet's filled with snake oil salesman and guessers who'd have you sitting around for days buying useless products from all over the place just so they can play mad scientist with your pet after days of delay waiting. Don't drive to a store to buy something, drive home use it then get talked in to driving back to the store to buy whatever magic fixer upper someone says that you could have gotten on the one trip if you'd just taken a little water along and asked for testing.

PS: if you're going for the free testing, take two samples, one from the tap and one from the tank. It's nice to have both for comparison.
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You clearly didn't read my post either, so I'm done engaging this because you aren't interested in anything but your own two cents and you're going after other people with an off topic post that is doing nothing but stir the pot and make someone's post a cesspool of an argument.
When the first sentence is clearly wrong, what's the point in continuing? It's not off topic, it's in direct response to previous advice to waste time and money earlier. In case you forgot I'll paste the nonsense again.

So get API Master Test Kit on eBay, Mars Pet Care has their UK based shop on there. I bought mine off there, good price.
I assume you use test strips, these aren't accurate and don't give specific levels. The liquid test kit is much more trustworthy.

Take time to order something online in the midst of Black Friday shipping madness that you don't actually need and already have alternatives in use as well as options for a second opinion from a local store that offers free testing if you don't trust the one's you already have. I just had plants take 10 days to arrive and they were shipped before the Black Friday shipping deluge started. No test kit should be needed for this particular problem that isn't already in hand or available for free to get a second opinion at your local store where you'll be looking for whatever meds or fixer uppers advised anyway. Simple common sense that apparently isn't all that common.
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion as to how to care for fish. I have a test kit on hand and I use it if the fish show any signs that the tank water may have an issue. And if I went too long between water changes, I test for nitrates. Yes, the parameter generally don't change much except the nitrates which can go up if water changes are not performed regularly. If one of the fish in the tank should die, it is important to test the water for ammonia and nitrites and then perform a very large water change. Test again a day later and if ammonia or nitrites are still higher than they should be, then do another large water change. Having a test kit at home is convenient instead of having to travel to a LFS for them to test the water.

The main topic is this thread is about a OP's fish showing signs of possible disease. Colin_T responded to the OP's question. Let's stay on topic and not get argumentative or this topic will be closed in order to keep the peace.
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The main topic is this thread is about a OP's fish showing signs of possible disease.
I agree which is why I've already mentioned a simple trip to the local trusted vet of your choice. They have the equipment to diagnose properly and if needed the meds that you may not be able to get without a prescription anyway and the knowledge to let you know how to implement their use safely. Everyone should have a local vet they trust for emergencies and many I'm sure would have consultations fee's less than what many would have you waste money on running around guessing and buying things you don't need. Alternative B was a trip to the local store you'd most likely have to go to anyway for whatever your potential DIY fixer upper needs call for. If you have to go there anyway to get the fixer upper, take advantage of the testing. Both options are preferable to sitting around waiting for stuff you didn't actually need to arrive in the mail during the holiday madness.

As for the nitrate testing, just do the water change. It doesn't matter what the test number is, the solution is the same either way. Simple and easy. Has something gotten into your tank from air contamination you may not be aware? Do the water change. Worried about ammonia, nitrite or parasites, do the water change and add a little salt. PH has moved to whatever, do the water change. With my goldfish tanks I don't even fear knocking on the door of 100% assuming the temp is matched for top off. Do the water change. Stuff growing on your fishes head, do the water change, if it's parasites and such you should be diluting them as well with the cleaning and it you think it's serious, consult your local trusted vet or aquatic specialist as a back up.
OP, it's your decision. In my own opinion and experience with similar case to your goldfish, this is the start of hexamita aka hole in the head, as I mentioned previously in this thread. Metronidazole would be the treatment of choice in the case of hexamita. Some of those spots are already looking to form pits in the head.

If you are privileged enough to have a local vet near you that will see a fish, that's an option that's good to take, but majority of the hobby do not have access to a fish specialist and most would have to drive obscene amounts of hours to their nearest one with an already poorly fish bagged up for transport to see said vet. Don't feel bad if this is not an option feasible for you, that's the case for 90% of this hobby. Anyone who has the luxury of this is an exception and not the norm for everyone else.
Opinions have been expressed. And with that and to avoid further conflict, I am locking this thread. Do not start another thread on the topics discussed here.
PS: The OP has not been back on our site for a week now. So this thread is no longer helpful to them.
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