sick green terror


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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b.c. canada
removed this fish [green terror] from my main tank about 5 days ago noticed a white fungus on his head and a cloudy eye, been treating with melafix and the fish seemed to be improving until today eyes are cloudy and hazy and am noticing small holes in sinus area did a 50% water change and have switched to Maracyn antibiotic tablets to treat popeye and body fungus he is not swimming around and has not eaten gills are also sucked up tight to the body. any suggestions here PLEASE. :sad:
Put your fish on some triple sulfa melafix isnt for fungal infections this is good medicine I used it on 2 black moors that a spotted puffer ate thier fins off and it turned into a fungal infection you will see a big improvement plus it is also good for popeye
What the heck is with the spamming isnt that not allowed?! :angry:
don't know what happened? when I tried to post I kept getting an error and then suddenly, while you see the results. :-( and now it won't even let me delete so I can repair my f up!
There has been some problems with errors being displayed even though the post went through. If you get one of these errors go vack and refresh the page before you repost. That is a good way to get the powers that be upset.

LesGerber said:
There has been some problems with errors being displayed even though the post went through. If you get one of these errors go vack and refresh the page before you repost. That is a good way to get the powers that be upset.

you have to wait a few minutes before you can repost again any way pm william and get him to delete them for you I hope your fish gets better
Pmed William so he can delete some of this mess that I have created so please just bear with me. Day 6 now and green terror is still showing no signs of improvement. I have him in a 20g hospital tank by himself c/w 2 air stones, temp. 81f, ph is at 7.0, ammonia,nitrate,and nitrite all low there is no active charcoal in this tank right now, I am treating for popeye and body fungus [one eye completely clouded over] but with these small holes in the sinus area thinking there must be something else going on.
Just tested my 150g tank that house 2-oscars, 2-convicts, 3-jack Dempsey's, 1-jag and
2-pleco ammonia and nitrite good nitrate is high 110.0mg/l and my ph is going towards the acid side 6.2 did a 25% water change when I pulled the green terror out and at that time all the parameters where normal right now all the fish in this tank seem healthy and the water is clear should I try and raise the ph or do a big water change?
Is there any way I can get this green terror to eat? try-ed blood worms and pellets so far and no successes. fear the end is near :crazy: :sad:
It sounds like your fish has more than one disease. How long have you had him. do you notice anything attached to the fish skin like little worms. if u do that means there is nothing you can do if hes had this for over a week. :no: Hope he gets better. Before was he healthy?
Don't notice any worms or fungus on him right now. But one eye is completely clouded over and the other one is starting to show the same symptoms now. He is sitting on the bottom of the tank upright not swimming , color is faded a bit but I still don't think I have crossed that point of no return I just wish he would eat. Had him now for about 18 months and hate to lose him, he was a healthy strong fish, Weird thing is though none of my other fish are sick? :(
At first read, I thought maybe hole-in-the-head, but I'd always seen pic's of larger holes. But apparently, it does start as pin-holes.

Check out this article.
To sum up, it points to two basic causes of HITH:
1) water quality
2) vitamin deficiency

It touches on some other foods you might try, incl. frz-dried. Now as your fish isn't eating, my thoughts are to try Boyd's Vita-Chem, which CM prefers over Melafix. Upon checking, he has also prev. said it works well on HITH. But then with the 'cloudy-eye', you prob. need something stronger, such as what you're using. I don't know if they can be used in conjunction. Maybe the Master will be along soon to advise...

In the meantime, maybe try some new foods but be sure to keep things clean.

Hope to help...

'no other fish are sick'...may be a matter of time (see article)...think ya need to get those nitrates down.
Far as I know, yes, wc's are the way to do that.
What is your pH normally?
I'm pretty sure he's going to die if he doesn't get better soon. :no: Have you tried talking to a vet or ichthyologist? You never know.
You've had him this tank? How long's this tank been up?
Ever notice low readings before?
What's your water change/gravel clean schedule normally?
If the nitrates were brought down, I'm thinking that alone might bring the pH up.(could be wrong)

re: cloudy eye...same remedy, it seems...water changes.
Curious, was his diet mainly feeders before he got sick?
Is he doing any better?

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