Sick goldfish

his super skinny.. i dont understand based on what your saying that it wont kill him...
Can you post a pic? Remember, you can kill him by too many meds. He’s already under stress.
and the more worring thing and urgent is the fact that he isnt eating and gasping for air...
Fish gasping at the surface is usually low oxygen levels in the water, which can be caused by high temperatures, chemicals or salt. It can also be caused by gill fluke, gill fungus and bacteria on the gills. Fish that are dying will usually stop eating and breath rapidly near the surface or a filter outlet because there is more oxygen there.

Fish that stop eating can have internal problems or something is wrong with the water. Poor water quality, exposure to too many chemicals or high doses of chemicals, and internal infections can cause them to stop eating.
Water can only have so much stuff dissolved in it. The more things dissolved in the water, the less gasses that can be held in the water. Anything that can be dissolved in water, will reduce the oxygen and other gasses in it.

Pure water has no minerals in and holds the highest amount of oxygen. When you add minerals like calcium or salt, this reduces the amount of oxygen the water can hold. Marine tanks have salt and lots of minerals in the water, and they have a lot less oxygen in the water than a freshwater tank.

Coldwater tanks have more oxygen than warm water tanks.

Clean water holds more oxygen than dirty or tannin stained water.

Even things like ammonia, nitrite and nitrate reduce the amount of oxygen that is in the water.
Do you have an air stone in the tank? That will provide more oxygen.

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