I recently bought a Red Parrot Cichlid for my classroom. I have had a fish like this in my home for about 2 years and have never had a problem. The fish I bought for my room, however, has had a few issues. When I first brought him in I think he was afraid of the kids...75 kids staring at you can be overwhelming. Recently though, he has been turning from an orange to almost red color. He developed white spots on his lips and tail. At first I thought the spots were more like the air bubbles you would see on the side of the tank, but I am starting to doubt this. He has also been acting very oddly. He will swim for about 30 seconds and will then stop and not move for many minutes. At one point he was even leaning sideways against the wall of my tank. However...as the day goes on he seems to get better and when my kids are gone be seems to be fine again. In fact, he is swimming contentedly around my tank right now. I'm not sure if the kids are too much, if there is a pH problem, or what. Any help/thoughts would be appreciated.