Sick Fish

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Sep 28, 2003
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I Live In Pa
This Mess Is Getting Worse Fish Laying All Over Bottom Not Dead Yet Close To It
Went To Pet Store Now She Has Changed Her Mind FromFungus Back To Ick.
She Said Do 25%Water Change Add Double Dose of Ick Med.Wait @4 hrs And Repeat.
Been Treating Sick Tank For 2 Weeks I thought It Was Ick because It Looked Like Tiny White Dots Pulled Carbon filter Out raised Tank To 80 Stared With Jungle Ick Clear 3rd Box So Far.Talked To pet Store Now She Says Fungus Did 25% Water Change Went To Fungus Clear .Went Back To DaY She Says Go Back To Ick Med.
Went To Wal Mart Got Wardlys Ick Away.Mela Fix, More Med Came Home Said To My Self Cure Them Or Killem.Dumped Prescribed Dose Of Each Med Into Tank Now Waiting Results Oh For Got To Mention This Along With Every thing Else Also Dumbed 50 mg. of Doxacline in tank With The Rest Of The Meds.Now They Are On There Own As I am Tired Of Playing This Game.

Check PH.... may be too acidic... ICK normally takes 2 weeks to cure... so be patient. change water if necessary , what filter you running?
Does it look like salt sprinkles or does it look like something fuzzy?
Running no filter as it siad to remove all chrcoal and i was running outside back filter with one cart.that charcoal was inside filter.

stared out looking like salt crystals now it looks like a white spot in there eyes and some on dody,fins,tail
If you mean that the white that looked like salt has spread to the rest of the body then it's ich.

Hang in there and don't be frustrated. Your lfs had you runing around and putting your fish thru the ringer. Might not be their fault as it's very hard sometimes to diagnose unless you're there and can see it for yourself.

Not sure what type of fish they are so not sure if I should suggest this but I'm going to log off now so... name your fish and and ask people here if it's ok to turn the temp up on your tank. Usually I don't recommend this in the initial stages of ich but when it's been this long you need to get it over with asap. I would turn the temp up to 82-84F if you have community fish.

Running no filter as it siad to remove all chrcoal and i was running outside back filter with one cart.that charcoal was inside filter.

You need to still run your filter just take the charcoal out. If the bacteria die in your tank and you get an ammonia spike then with what your fish have already gone thru they might not make it.
YES Don't stop the filter at all just take out the carbon or all the medication will be absorbed and yes the benefitial bacteria will die and like smb said...ammonia spike. Be patient think of yourself it doesn't take you a day or two to get over a cold but sometimes a week or two...well this is the same it should take 2 weeks. Also don't stop treating the tank when the spots are gone because (Read the article on my sig) the parasites will still be in the tank. Also bump up the temp because this decreases the parasites life-span good luck!!! ;)
i have seen a jack dempsie do this and he does it all the time it maybe that his swim bladder is erm unhealthy?
i had this same thing when i started my tank. you just have to be patient. keep that filter running. cut down on the chems. melafix is good for cuts and wounds, but not sure about ich or other protozoa. keep an eye on that ammonia level, from what I understand, the medicine to cure ich also takes away some of the bac that removes ammonia. frequent water changes. i had spots and weak fish for about week. i kept the temp at 81. i fed them a little less and they started to come back to life again. stay out of the tank and avoid stressing them as much as possible. try to do your water changes very carefully and quietly. it will be ok. if you have a friend with one or the means to get one, a UV sterilizer can help clean this up and prevent it in the future.
Took My red Tail Shark To Pet Store Now She Says Deff. Fungus Started Treatment With 750 Of Penicillin Tank Seems To Be Back To Recovery Stage Fish Are Starting To Eat Some She Said 4 Days On Penecillin.

Than Tear Tank Down Do Complete Clean Set Back Up And Start Over.Finally Seeing Improvement Lost 2 Fish But I Guess 2 Is Better Than All Of Them.As I Paid 13.00 A Pice For My Oscars And There Is 4 Of Them Plus 15.00 For My Percosomus .

Thank You Every Body For Helping Me Out


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