Sick Fish, Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)
Hi all,

I have had my tank (cichlids ) set up for 10 months now and everything was going fine. Water stats are spot on!

However, a few days ago one of my yellow labs was not her usual self i.e, not eating, hiding a lot. Thought she was pregnant but, this morning she was lying on the bottom of the tank!! Just got home from work and she is worse. Being pushed around the tank by other fish, not swimming and looking VERY poorly. She is still breathing but i dont know what to do next.

Is it best to end her suffering? HOW? Dont want to do it but it doesnt seem fare, SERIOUSLY ill. Please help.
I know its not a nice thing to talk about, or do, but surely it is the kindest option if she is just lay there being nibbled by the others!!!
Does he swim around much? In a corkscrew like manner? Or to the surface then back to the ground on his side again?

Saw my cousins electric yellow die from it, im 100% sure it was swim bladder issues.

Does NOT swim at all, just lay on one off the rocks at moment. It is almost as if she is taking her last breaths.
Hmm, you tried googling the symptoms? I have no clue what it is, im new to this. Just thought might be the same thing that my cousins had>
Sorry mate.

Good luck with the fish!
what size is the tank, what is the stock and what are your current water stats? (actual numbers please not just 'fine')

laying on the floor can be a sign of bacterial problems however it can also be a fish on it's way out for a number of other reasons.
Stats are,
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40
pH 8.2

These have remained the same throughout the full 10 months.
200 litres

Currently doing a water change and the poor thing has not moved, barely breathing!!! Just lay at bottom and only moving with the water flow.
Need help asap it just dosent seem fare!!!

PS all other fish seem fine.
is there any bullying in the tank? noticed other fish picking on her?
Only the usual, which you expect with cichlids. Each one stands their own ground and is a fairly peaceful tank.

They are the least aggresive of thir species. Just dont know why after all this time something has gone wrong!!

She is not happy at all, only moves when i push her. The scales around her body are going slightly red, like blood.
sounds bacterial then, get a strong bacterial med in there asap, seperate her to a hospital tank if you have one.
Dont have a hospital tank, just put her in a floating tank to seperate her from the others.
When you say strong bacterial med, what type? can i use it with the other fish. As i said before, everyone else seems fine

Thank you SO MUCH for the help and quick replies. Trying to type whilst water changing, not easy.
meds shouldn't harm the other fish, best to dose the other tank as if one fish is sick the rest may soon follow. unusual to only have one fish exhibit symptoms however not unheard of.

myaxzin is a good med if you can get it
Thanks again for the help.

Too late to do anything, she just passed away. At least no more suffering, just hope everyone else will be ok. All seem happy at the moment!

Got 2 more Yellow Labs holding at moment and 7 other babies swimming about :hyper:

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