Yes, doing large water change is very useful in case of emergency, as it will remove most of the parasites, bacteria, virus and dilute all the toxic, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate as much as possible.
Colin (one of the expert contributor here) oftens recommend making a large water change for most of the problems you encountered with your fish.
For myself, I change about 90% of my Discus' tank water every week(once a week).
Some Discus breeders change 100% of their tanks water everyday.
If your fish died due to some bacteria/fungal infection, I don't think you need to wait long before adding new fish.
Usually, if you change your tank water frequently enough and keep your water clean, it will clear your tank from most bacteria and fungus. Also, if I'm not wrong most bacteria and fungal can only attack the fish when the fish has an open wound/injury. The fish naturally has the protective slime to cover its body.
But if your fish died from parasites infection, then you will have to wait longer probably 2-4 weeks or longer.
Did you observe any symptoms of disease for the past 9 weeks ever since you started keeping the Discus?
Usually I try to observe/monitor my fish every day whenever I feed them.
Did you observe any of the following symptoms with your fish?
1Fish scratching against the tank or any object in the tank.
2)Fish breathing very fast
3)White spots on their body/fin/tail
4)Any tumour/growth on their body?
5)Body turn dark
6)Sunken belly
7)Fish hiding in a corner
8)Fish having clamp fins
Any other symptoms based on the websites that I posted earlier.
Perhaps, you can observe your Discus for 1-2 weeks and ensure that there is no symptom at all before adding new one.