sick bristlenose

You don't treat internal bacteria med for internal parasites, internal bacteria meds are for bacteria infections, not parasite infestations.
ah okiedokie - I'm with you now ! :nod:
I just hope I never have to deal with it ! :eek:
I've had it with a plec and it is awful, you don't want them beleive me, i had to strip the whole tank down and sterilise everything, good luck.
Ah. that sort of answers my next question - what to do to prevent another outbreak/to clean down after. Will wait to see what happens first though.
Had to destroy affected fish, i had to put two pitbull plecs down, as they were really ill with the parasites, as they were prutruding from the anus, managed to save one that didn't get infected, through striping the tank down, and getting rid of the poorly one's poor things.
Crikey :( Sorry to hear that. Glad one was ok though.

Something that I'm not too sure about now though, where did these parasites come from and are they in my main tank where this fish was living before this crisis??
Did she fall victim to this because she was weakened by the finrot she initially had??

Its a minefield int it :crazy:
:( How awful.
My case was different. Had a bloody sore, once that was gone, stopped eating (or I noticed). I'd hoped something similar might have happened w/ your fish....well, still do hope. :/

Sometimes they may have them upon long have you had her?

I had also tried Garlic Xtreme....supposed to stimulate appetite.
I think you can also try garlic juice in food (water?). Some use garlic to prevent parasites, not sure effect, if any, after the fact...just throwing it out there. Are you feeding, and....any 'outcome' ? Have you seen the 'worms' again?

As Wilder suggested, perhaps the external came about from being weakened by the internal problem. But I don't know. Is it possible she'd stopped eating/had lost weight before the transfer?
Poor plec looks awful. Could it be skinny disease? I did a search and read about it on here as I had a little platy juvie going the same way as your plec. I added Maracyn which it advised and he's putting weight on again now :D

SarahBravo has some for sale in the for sale section.

Good luck with your plec

Edited to add a link Skinny disease
Well, my plec has died. :(

I found her last night when we came home. I will now need to know how to clean the tank and all its contents before putting any other fish in there.

What methods are there or is it not neccesary?

Any advice would be great.

many thanks as always,

Cava :fish:
Sorry to hear she didn't make it :-(

I generally clean with 1 part bleach/10 parts water. Leave it soaking overnight and then rinse really really well. I usually ditch the filter media though and boil the gravel.
Oh dear sorry to hear :byebye: I tend to agree with Joby on the cleaning of the tank- especially as your plec was the only fish in that tank. Just clean and start a new cycling process.
Sorry for your loss, strip and remove everything from the tank, bleach it and rinse very well, would be good if you could leave it to dry out for the day, boil all the sponges, put some salt in a bucket of quite hot water them run the filter in the bucket, throw away gravel and replace it with new, clean and sterlise all plants and ornaments, set back up i ran it for a couple of days with some salt added to the tank, then when i added new fish, i removed the salt out of the water, and added some gravel and mature filter sponges from my fancy goldlfish tank.
thanks guys.

Will strip the tank down n the next day or two then.

may need to know the secret for getting bn's to breed lilfishie as mine just dont seem to want to...

...only have two boys now so if i suddenly find young :blink: :shifty: :whistle:

many thanks for help and condolences

Cava :fish:

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