Sick betta

I just got home from class and found him dead :(
Poor little thing... I seem totally unable to keep bettas alive :/
I've had several bettas, and all of them except 2 only lasted barely a week. I have Rodchester, who has been with me for about 3 months, and a long time ago a friend gave me a betta that I kept for about a year. He might still be alive today if he hadn't jumped down the sink drain :-(

I try to get the healthiest bettas. The ones with crystal clear water in their cups and no sign of wounds or disease. When I bought this little betta I just thought his tail had been ripped up from rough handling, I had no idea it was fin rot. It's pretty discouraging :/
Awww :-(

I always try not to pick bettas, they pick me :p My betta Shiney actually almost knocked the cup out of my hands when i picked him up. He was quite forceful about the taking me home thing :lol:
OH no.
I'm so very sorry to hear this. :(
He probably was very, very ill - even moreso than any of us would have ever known. At least you gave him a very comfortable and peaceful place to pass on. I'm sure he appreciated that.

It could possibly be that the water in your area is either really hard, really soft or something might just be in the water. Based on everything you've posted here, you haven't done anything wrong at all.

One thing you could do is take a small sample of your water to the lfs and see if they can test it for you. That might shed some light on what happened. Also do know that in cases like this where their tails are pretty much gone, unless it's from some freak accident and they do survive, but rather from finrot or disease, it can go either way with them surviving.

Again, I'm really, really sorry.
It's pretty devistating to lose the little guys.
Thank you, guys. At least he isn't suffering anymore, and I did learn a ton from this experience.

The water in my town is very hard. The bettas are the only fish I've kept that seem to have a problem with that. Well, except for Rodchester. He is a tough betta :flex:

Thank you, again, guys. I've learned SO much these past 2 days.
So sorry to hear you lost him :-(

You did all you could and I'm sure he appreciated your efforts to save him :rip: little guy
So sorry you lost the little guy. Was hoping you had caught it in time, but from his pics it looked pretty bad. I'm sure you did everything you could for him.

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