Sick Betta

Dan C

New Member
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
basildon essex
Can someone please help me, my male betta has been funny with his food latley i just thought he was being picky, but all of a sudden he has lost all his colour and its lying on the bottom of the tank. does anybody no what could be wrong.
From now on fill this sticky out before you post here.

Tank size:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
From now on fill this sticky out before you post here.

Tank size: 110l
tank temp: 27
will have to take water sample to lfs
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): very pale, looks like a cut on his back, some fluff on his fin. hes sticking close to the bottom of the tank

Volume and Frequency of water changes: weekly 25% change

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants: 4 corys ,2 rams, 6 female bettas, ( hes seperated )

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): artificial log

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Is he separated from the rams?

When did he get the cut on his back?

When did he get the cut on his fin?

What color is the fluff?

You will need to QT him. Anything, even tupperware will do as long as it has clean water and a heater. This will prevent his cut from getting infected and his fin from getting worse.

A picture would really help in this case if you can get one.
Is he separated from the rams? yes

When did he get the cut on his back? today

When did he get the cut on his fin?

What color is the fluff? white maybe cant really tell

You will need to QT him. Anything, even tupperware will do as long as it has clean water and a heater. This will prevent his cut from getting infected and his fin from getting worse.

A picture would really help in this case if you can get one.

I wont be able to get a heater till tomorrow so will he be ok to stay in the tank overnight?

will get a pic on as soon as i can
I wont be able to get a heater till tomorrow so will he be ok to stay in the tank overnight?

will get a pic on as soon as i can

Even if you can put him in a container that can float on the surface (ie tupperware) that would probably help until you can get a heater.

It sounds like columnaris... I just diagnosed a case of it in one of my fish actually. Basically what it boils down to is that there are 2 diseases which manifest as white fuzz: One is true fungus, one is actually a bacterial infection known as columnaris, or body fungus. Since true fungus is very rare, your safest route is to treat for columnaris, then if it doesn't clear up that means its a fungus. Don't waste time by treating for fungus first, because if it is columnaris it will probably be too late by the time you rule out fungus (columnaris is really lethal and fast-moving).

I used maracyn and maracyn 2 with great results... the fuzz was gone overnight! Now all thats left to do is finish off the rest of the treatment (4 days).
I wont be able to get a heater till tomorrow so will he be ok to stay in the tank overnight?

will get a pic on as soon as i can

Even if you can put him in a container that can float on the surface (ie tupperware) that would probably help until you can get a heater.

It sounds like columnaris... I just diagnosed a case of it in one of my fish actually. Basically what it boils down to is that there are 2 diseases which manifest as white fuzz: One is true fungus, one is actually a bacterial infection known as columnaris, or body fungus. Since true fungus is very rare, your safest route is to treat for columnaris, then if it doesn't clear up that means its a fungus. Don't waste time by treating for fungus first, because if it is columnaris it will probably be too late by the time you rule out fungus (columnaris is really lethal and fast-moving).

I used maracyn and maracyn 2 with great results... the fuzz was gone overnight! Now all thats left to do is finish off the rest of the treatment (4 days).

i have put him in a container in the tank and addedd some fungus treatment. Thank you all for your help im very greatfull.
i have put him in a container in the tank and addedd some fungus treatment. Thank you all for your help im very greatfull.

Columnaris. Treat for columnaris first, if it's possible. What medication did you give him? If it says it treats 'body fungus' (another name for columnaris) you should be fine. Sorry if I was unclear!
i have put him in a container in the tank and addedd some fungus treatment. Thank you all for your help im very greatfull.

Columnaris. Treat for columnaris first, if it's possible. What medication did you give him? If it says it treats 'body fungus' (another name for columnaris) you should be fine. Sorry if I was unclear!

i used esha 2000 it says that it treats a wide range of problems. do you think this is ok?
I don't know UK medications but unless it specifically lists columnaris I would switch meds. Antibiotics are very different from, say, antiparasitic meds or antifungals.

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