Sick Betta

Yes, it's the same temp. I have a spare thermometer I use to check the replacement water and I always make sure that it is within a degree or two of what is in the tank before I add it in, but I don't add it in if it is more than two degrees off.

I wasn't clear about the filter and water changes. I've tried to cycle 2 1/2 gallon tanks in the past (and not with 100% changes) and always seemed to have problems with getting them to stabilize, so I gave up and started doing the 100% water changes. I kept the filters in the tanks however, just because I thought it would help with water circulation and keep them a little cleaner.
I would test your water to see what the stats are before you do a water change, as that should tell us also if you are doing enough water changes on the bowl.
Tomorrow test your water, like to see stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate. Good luck.
I'll bring my test kit in in the morning and post the results. Again thanks so much for your patience and your help. He's already outlived the other two by a full day.
Or bless him, fingers crossed for him, yes post stats tomorrow.
Okay, I just finished testing the water.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 5ppm
Nitrite - 0
Ph 7.6

He is still alive this morning, but is no longer standing on his head. He is now hanging at the top of the tank behind his filter. I don't know if this is better or worse?
Aww im sorry.

For future fish in that bowl/tank, maybe best to sterilize it and buy new gravel and pump etc.
I have the tank itself soaking in bleach water right now and have already thrown away all the decorations. But thank you for the advice.
Sorry bless him, R.I.P. you tryed your best for him.

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