Sick betta need help identifying illness


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
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Hi I’m the worst at making decisions. Can someone please tell me what they think my betta has. He is floating sideways on the top.
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Yes, we need more information such as how big the tank is, parameters, etc, before we can say anything definite, but to me it looks like dropsy…. What do you think @Bruce Leyland-Jones?
Yes, we need more information such as how big the tank is, parameters, etc, before we can say anything definite, but to me it looks like dropsy…. What do you think @Bruce Leyland-Jones?
To be honest, it could be anything.
The water may be toxic, or the fish maybe 5 years old.
My money will be on the former, until given more info.
That looks like dropsy to me. I doubt he will live long. What are your water parameters? Especially ammonia?
Oh poor fish... at 1st sight I see intestinal occlusion and dropsy, maybe finrot which is the least of its worries.

We all need more info (please, hurry up).
- ammonia
- nitrites
- nitrates
- GH (hardness)
- KH (alkalinity)
- pH
Overall pics of your tank.
Sorry here are the details. It’s a 10 gallon tank. Temperature is 79, the tank has a filter, it’s heated, & there are no other fish. Just him. I do a 10-20% water change weekl. Water parameters: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate: 10 ppm pH: 7, hardness: 55pm , alkalinity: 60 ppm
My friend had him in a small bowl so she gave him to me about 2 months ago. He was already floating on his side sometimes and I would fast him and he would good to go. But this time he didn’t bounce back. I have fasted him more than once bc this has been ongoing, tried peas, tried salt bath, raised water temp, betta fix, then someone said don’t do that but I had already tried it for a week, etc. it’s starting to look more like a tumor maybe. I just don’t want him to be in pain. I don’t know whether to try more stuff or euthanize him which I can’t even do. I’m going to have to have someone else do it.
Think to change it at the same temp. as tank's.
The rest is good ✅
What precisely do you feed him ?
And please overall pics of your tank.
How old is he ?
I’m not sure how old he is. My friend bought him at pet smart. She had him for about a month before she gave him to me. Here’s the tank pics kind of spare but I have been busy trying to help him. I have the light off. I feed him bettamin by tetra. The small pellets. I have even been soaking them a little first. There is a definite possibility he has been over fed at first (I have a 6 years old child.). But now she can’t reach the food.


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