Thanks for your replies.
NickAu said:
I wonder if its the water causing the issues?
I guess it's possible, although the water hasn't changed since we first got him so it would seem strange if it suddenly caused a change in his behaviour now. I haven't ever measured the hardness of the water (I don't have the relevant kits) but the local area is known for hard water and limescale more than some other areas of the UK. I don't know what ranges would be acceptable for Betta's to be honest or how I'd go about find this out?
betta fish said:
His behaviour is a bit strange, almost as if he is scared, have you noticed a pattern of him being ok in the morning and then not in the evening? if you find that he eats in the morning I would just feed him 3 pellets in the morning, that is what I do with mine, they don't get an evening meal.
Have you moved the tank recently? is it the light perhaps? how long is it on and for and what times? It may help to get more cover for the tank such as floating plants as bettas do not like strong lighting and it will make him feel more secure.
Keep an eye on any changes in breathing i.e fast and change in colour as that could mean he is ill.
He seems to be more active in the morning than the evening at the moment for sure. He ate again this morning and was swimming around a bit more again, which is encouraging but I'll have to see how he is later.
There's been no changes to the tank position at all, it's currently in the corner of the living room, it's not directly in front of a window, although it does get light from the sun in the afternoon from a window on the other side of the room. The light is also the same and hasn't changed, it's on a timer and comes on at 7:30 and goes off at 22:30 (I know this might be frowned on as it's over 12 hours but we like watching him! If this needs to change, I will adjust it) He does have some floating ferns, although I would like to get some more plants in the tank so happy to do that anyway and there are areas of the tank in the shade.
His breathing is looking fine, quite normal and not fast, which is good. Likewise his colour seems good too, doesn't look dull and he's not grey under the chin - however, I've had the lights off the last day and a half so haven't seen him in full light. Apart from his clamped fins he looks in good shape.
The only thing which has changed recently is the addition of the Oto Catfish (NickAu - I will check whether it's appropriate for him to stay in this tank in more detail, fortunately he is settling in OK at the moment though) I know introducing new fish to a tank does often cause the existing fish to act a bit strange for a week or so (we also have a 2ft tank which has undergone stocking changes). This Betta is not the most aggressive and he is quite shy, so I suppose there is a very slim chance he's sulking because he's got something else in his tank with him as he's been solitary for so long, but it just seems like a very unlikely reaction?