Sick betta... long term fin rot


New Member
Aug 31, 2020
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Seattle WA
Hey guys!

Long story short my betta has been battling fin rot since I got him in July. It looked like it was getting better and now its just gotten really bad. I've tried everything under the sun from betta fix, erythromycin, kana plex, and aquarium salt and nothing has lasted. He gets better for a while and then gets sick. This time he's REALLY sick. Been lying at the bottom of his tank for 4 days and wasn't eating the first two. He's had a few pellets the past couple days but is looking dead eyed and isn't swimming around. His fins and now his body scales are looking janky and discolored. I'm at a loss and hoping someone has ideas on what could help..

A little about Barry:
He's in a 2.5 gallon with Fluval substrate and a bunch of the plant Dwarf Saggitaria with some room for his little hiding log
His specs are fine.. normal pH.. almost 0 nitrites and nitrates.
I change the water regularly.
I just put on another dose of erythromycin because he hasn't been on antibiotic in a few months but it hasn't seemed to have helped his energy much the past couple days
He eats high quality food, has a heater that keeps his tank around 78, and a carbon filter.

I'm thinking he might've just been a sickly fish from the pet store and no matter how much I try to help, he's just not getting better. Has anyone dealt with this?

Here's some pics... I swear I love the little guy! Any help appreciated


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By regularly, how often and how much water do you change? I would stop using so many meds and focus on more frequent water changes with a tank that small. Hopefully one of the most experienced members can give you a more precise regime to help the little guy.

Edited to add: Nitrites should be 0 - What is your ammonia reading?
I cured my bettas fin rot by using hydrogen peroxide. This can be a bit complicated so make sure you have the right ratio of water to peroxide.
I would do 100% daily water change, add salt

If you’re doing 100% water changes, you should prepare and airated the water before adding to the aquarium.

Betta named Barry? coincidence with my name?
Is nitrite zero? Also, what is your ammonia reading? Personally, I don't do 100% water changes, because you want to preserve some beneficial bacteria. But maybe 50-80% is a good range and you can do it daily.
I have a rescue betta that looks awful. His tail rot was so bad at the store so I got the manager to discount him. I hauled him home and nothing worked. I decided it’s just genetic. 2 years and he still looks awful but happy and content.
Is nitrite zero? Also, what is your ammonia reading? Personally, I don't do 100% water changes, because you want to preserve some beneficial bacteria. But maybe 50-80% is a good range and you can do it daily.
Beneficial bacteria lives on the surfaces in the tank and substrate, not in the water
Yes, but does the bacteria not risk drying out and dying if 100 percent of the water is removed? Also, I always assumed a 100 percent water change is more disruptive and stressful for the fish, isn't it?
Yes, but does the bacteria not risk drying out and dying if 100 percent of the water is removed? Also, I always assumed a 100 percent water change is more disruptive and stressful for the fish, isn't it?
As I said, match the temperature and airated it before adding to the tank.

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