Sick Betta Help Needed!


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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Our Betta Khan has been getting ill the last couple of days. He's been swimming round the tank very fast as if he is agitated by something, and today he's been vigourously flicking against the plants and tank wall, and seems to swimming erratically.

We also have a problem in our other 2 tanks with Cories flicking, so we suspect maybe a parasite problem of some sort that has been spread between them. It's also not a water quality problem.

Apart from the flicking and rubbing there are no visible signs. Any ideas on what the exact problem may be, and what would be the best treatment to use (available in the UK).

Sometimes parasites are reallyhard to see. It could be velvet. Try shining a bright light down on top of him. It will look like he has been sprinkled with copper colored crystals, (tiny ones). I have had very good results treating this with something that contains chelated copper. if your can't see that, it still sounds like parasites of some kind. I like "Life Bearer" for the treatment of general parasites in my bettas I think the active ingredient in it is Trichlorforn I'm not sure uf I spelled that right. Anyway, good luck and I hope this helps.
If they don't have visible white spots (Ick) then it could very possibly be velvet, check for it, velvet is usually pretty easy to treat too :good:
Have tried but really can't see any signs of Velvet or White Spot.

My boyfriend says he seems to be rubbing his gills on the leaves when he's flicking, so maybe something in there? Can't see anything though.

We've been shining a torch at him all day, and we can finally see little brown things hanging of him. Looks like some anchor worm photos we've seen. Will sort him out tomorrow. Any recommendations on a treatment, and are they safe to mix with salt in the water?

Thanks for the help.
That sounds likely from what you have said. I usually dont add salt and meds at the same time, I cant think off hand for meds, have a look on the emergency section

forgot to say could also be gill flukes

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