sick betta - fungus?


New Member
Jan 19, 2003
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Hello there,

I have a new betta - a freebie from a local pet store where I purchased one for my husbands study. I took this guy in as I knew no one would buy him - he has either a growth or an infection on his head. I just didn't want him to die there - and well, the price was right - I can use the money saved to buy some meds.

Not having had my bettas ever get anything like this (mine have mostly died of old age, with the exception of one tumour and one 'sick' tank that occured) I'm not quite sure what it is.

On his head, there is a bump, that appears a little larger than on Thursday when I got him. It looks bumpy, like cauliflower, but is round and kind of like a volcano in shape - lower in the centre. Although the centre seems to be rising on it. It looks kind of grey, dead skin looking but even when I look really close with a strong light, I'm not seeing fuzziness there as I'd expect with a fungus. It's more a flat brownish grey in the centre of this lump. I'd thought at first a cut, but no.

I've been reading through the betta sites, though and some have stated that patches like this that are greyish are the beginnings of fungus.

I have him in a small bowl at the moment - just to try to treat him - just under or around a half gallon, I think. I have put him in there with clean water and some melafix (the only thing I have at the moment) I'm not seeing him eat much, and have had to fish out the betta bites that are floating as he isn't eating them. If he's eating, he's not doing it when I'm looking.

Now the other new betta has settled and is eating with no issues, so I know this isn't just a stress thing - something else is going on here. This one has settled and is swimming some and is curious when I'm near the bowl - but is slower to move about and hasn't picked up his appetite

Does anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking fungus or bacterial infection - but I'm not sure which and if any one else has encountered this, I'd appreciate knowing what you used. I just can't seem to find anything with a picture like this - or a site that makes me think it's for sure one or the other. I plan on picking up some aquarium salt (I should have it, but don't) I'd sure like to make him healthy and give him a sweet and spoiled life here like the rest of my pets.

Thanks in advance for your help.

"Lymphocystis causes raspberry- or cauliflower-like growths on the skin and fins". Starts as a cyst that grows in size. (Both symptoms that the betta shows). Its not overly infectious, but you don't have other inhabitants with it, right?

"Badly affected stocked should be painlessly destroyed and fish showing signs of 'growths' should not be purchased." :/

I wouldn't euthanize it just yet, though. Maybe someone else mgiht be able to help. :/
Late last night I looked up the 'cauliflower' disease that I'd seen on an earlier post. This doesn't look quite the same - it's hard and firm on the fish with the swelling being from underneath. The cauliflower cysts seem to be more um. gushy I think would be the right word. But I'll go hunt down more pictures of it to see.


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