Siamese Twin Guppies...


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
Everett, WA
I have one fry who is a siamese twin...I have made it a project to see if will actually live. It seems to do everything completely normal...swims fine and is already about 5 weeks old. Has anyone else ever seen one live this long?
simese? never heard of that but there are twin tailed guppys. they are quite common now in pet stores. i have one myself, i like him alot. im not exactly sure how breeders got them that way but i have reason to beleive endlers were involved -_-
How is it a siamese twin if it's only one fish? Siamese twins are two beings, joined somewhere. What exactly is the situation? I'm very curious.
A member of another board had the same thing happen to a pair of hers- they were still joined. Unfortunately, they died. :/
Well, it is two being the big one and one being a smaller one attached to the larger ones body...I spoke like it was one being because they move as one...sorry for the confusion...I will try and get a good little buggers...LOL
now that is interesting, i would really like to see a picture.....
im guessing though that the fishies live will probably be short, i reckon its probably only got one heart, and with two bodies to provide for that will be your twins downfall!

good luck though!
That IS very intresting !!!! If they are 5 weks old your chances have greatly increased of them surviviing !! :kana: :flex: The double tail isn't quite the same..... I think it is more of a gene than an actually siamese fish ... Altthough it is a mutation bred out by man .....
My friend has(or had one)...his name is him, and ask him...I remeber seeing one at his house :D
Well, this was the best picture I could get...I was shocked to see them to tell you the truth...this is the first time I have ever seen siamese twin fish! Freaky...really. It looks like they are attached by a thin bit of skin...and maybe some vessels....


Yea, that looks alot like my friends. His bottom fish was dead through :sad: iit soon droped off from the living. Its very sad :-(

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